Chapter 8: The Power of the Devil

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Similarly, upon seeing Inari unexpectedly throwing shurikens from his hand.

Looking at Yu standing there in front of him, as if he were in shock and not reacting.

Beside him, Mai and Momoka, the two girls, couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

However, soon, three crisp metal collisions sounded.

Urushi, Mai, Momoka, and all the other kids present widened their eyes.

Facing the three shurikens flying toward him in anger from Inari.

Yu, who stood still, calmly reacted.

In the same way, three kunais appeared like magic in Yu's hands and were quickly thrown.

In the amazed eyes of all the children, Yu's thrown three kunais reached their target before Inari's shurikens.

They miraculously hit the center hole of the three shurikens thrown by Inari, forcefully nailing Inari's shurikens to a nearby tree trunk!

"My shurikens were actually...?!"

Seeing Yu's incredible kunai skills right in front of him, Inari's eyes widened almost round.

"Ninja Academy students using ninja tools against ordinary villagers in the village."

"For such an accusation, the punishment should not be small."

As if not aware of the incredulous looks of all the children present.

Looking at Inari, who wore an expression of disbelief, Yu's lips curled up slightly.

To achieve this kind of effect...

It seems that all the training he did following Inari's kunai throwing technique from the original work was not in vain...


"These brats! How could they possibly do something like this?!"

Coming back to his senses from shock.

Hearing the words spoken calmly by Yu in front of him.

Imagining the punishment he might have to face next.

Inari's anger surged even more, and he raised his chakra, charging toward Yu like a cheetah.

Facing Yu, who appeared to be two years younger than himself, Inari was confident that he could knock down this little brat just as he had done to Urushi and the others a moment ago.


A dull collision sound.

Inari was once again shocked when Yu, with one hand, firmly grabbed his fist.

"This is... chakra?!"

Facing Yu, who was firmly gripping his fist, Inari noticed the flowing chakra within the white-haired little brat.

Inari widened his eyes, realizing that this small child, who clearly wasn't a student from the Ninja Academy, had already refined chakra!

You should know that starting to refine chakra at such a young age is a privilege only granted to children from the Uchiha, Hyuga, and some other major clans in the entire Leaf Village.

"If we're talking about chakra..."

"I'm not necessarily weaker than you."

With one hand firmly holding Inari's fist as it erupted with chakra, Yu stood still.

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