Slumbering giant

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Warden X Trollhunter, the story will begin when Jim has been in the darklands for about a week, also the warden is as big as Gunmar.

Third point of view:

Jim is running from a nyarlagroths ( which is the name of those worms in the darklands) as he has there eggs. Jim runs but he slips and three out of the four eggs fall out of the sack. The nyarlagroths catches the three eggs as it returns to his nest. Jim sighs as he runs back to his cave. Jim starts a fire as he cooks the egg in boiling water. After some time Jim takes the egg out and cracks it open, eating it and almost gagging in the process. Jim sighs as he looks at the carvings on the cave wall that resemble his friends.

"I will be back I promise." Jim said as he lightly rubbed his hands over the carvings. All of a sudden the ground beneath him shakes as it splits open sending the trollhunter deeper into the darklands. The boy slides down multiple rocks and avoids sharper ones. He sees the ground as he lands safely.

"Where am I?" Jim said as he looked around to see glowing blue and black fungus covering the ground and walls. Jim draws his sword as he walks around cautiously, unaware of the dangers that lie around him. Walking around more he sees a small cave, peering into it he sees something lying down in a type of nest made out of the fungus. He can hear its heavy breathing as Jim assumes it's asleep. He tried to walk away quietly but he wasn't watching where he was going and fell face first into the fungus floor. He heard clicking as he looked up from the ground to see the fungus glowing brighter. Then a loud shriek filled his ears as he covered them from the noise.

A low grumble was heard from the cave as the large beasts footsteps were heard. Jim gulped as he got up quickly backing up. He watches as the beast in front of him clicks and makes a low growl. The beast in front of him is covered in fungus making it look like it has fur, its fingers are sharp like claws and its horns have carvings in them. The beast gets closer as it sniffs the air, it seems to look confused, maybe Jim doesn't know for sure the thing doesn't have eyes.

"Who are you?" The beast said as it got closer as it sniffed the boy's hair.

"I am Jim the human trollhunter." Jim said nervously. The beast growls as it picks up the human carefully.

"Human? Trollhunter? What has the surface world done now?" the beast says as it places the boy back down. The beast sits down as it leans against the cave wall.

"So how did you get here, trollhunter?" the beast asks as Jim sits beside the beast.

"I came here for my friend's brother. They were taken and replaced by a changeling." Jim said as he heard a low growl erupt from the beast.

"Impure, filthy, disgusting, untrustworthy creatures." the beast said as venom laced their voice.

"A-and I need to find the nursery." Jim said.

"The nursery? I know where it is, I could show you. But you must do one thing for me. When you return to the surface and if you kill any enemies bring a piece of their corpse to me that is all I ask of you." Jim looked very confused at the beast's request but it didn't seem that difficult.

"Alright I will do it, by the way what's your name?" Jim said.

"I am called the warden of the Darklands, but you can call me y/n." y/n said as they stood up and walked out of the fungus forest,"come now Jim the trollhunter we must get going." Jim nodded as he ran after y/n.

The two of them walked for about an hour and Jim was beginning to spill at the seams of trying to resist to ask any necessary questions, but the human couldn't help it.

"Are you blind?" Jim asked bluntly.

"Yes." y/n said.

"What is with the fungus?" Jim asked as a little growl of annoyance escapes the warden.

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