These feelings are distracting

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Voices are heard as they sound distant but they become more clear.

"What have you done to my son!?" you hear Barbara shouting. Your mind is blurry as you slowly stand up.

"y/n! You're awake, I thought that old fool might have hurt you." Blinky said as you rub your head in pain.

"What happened?" you said confused as you lowered yourself to Blinky's height.

"We well. . . I am not so sure." Blinky says as he turns his head looking at the half troll on the couch. Sniffing the air you smell someone unfamiliar as you start growling at them.

"Woah calm down, it's just Jim." Blinky said as his stoney hand touched your shoulder. Everyone else in the room turns to look at you, seeing you awake.

"Y/n, what happened to my boy when I left." Barbara said with a worried tone. You were trying to focus on her words but something else is catching your attention, her scent, she reeks of Gunmar and another troll you don't recognize.

"When I came up here from downstairs, I heard fighting. Merlin was fighting Jim, I tried to distract him but he threw something at me and knocked me out." you said as Brabara is now fuming with rage. But before she could start yelling at Merlin, a groan was heard from the couch. All of you turn and head over to the couch.

"Ugh what's going on?" Jim said, you think it's Jim. he smells nothing like him and sounds a little strange. Jim started freaking out as everyone was trying to calm him down. Me and Arrrgh went out in the yard because Blinky said he wanted to get Jim to test his strength on us. After a little waiting Jim came out as he got into a fighting stance. We both tackled him but the little hunter managed to hold his own he threw us as he then pinned Arrrgh. The three of us are laughing a mess as Blinky sighs in disappointment. Blinky leads us to the forest as the human Claire needs to catch Jim. You can hear the human struggling but the sound becomes distant as they move deeper into the forest.

After about ten minutes Claire came back exhausted,"Has Jim made it back here?"

"No, we thought he was with you." Blinky said.

"I lost him, my staff doesn't recognize him." Claire said as we became worried.

"I can try to track him down, I just need to find his scent." you said as the rest agreed and went in different directions to find Jim. you ran through the forest sniffing the air for any trace of the Trollhunter, but something else caught your attention.

"What is he doing here?" you said confused as you swifty change directions and head towards the trespasser. You roared as you launched yourself at them, the two of you go tumbling to the ground as you proceed to beat the crap out of Gunmar. He throws you off and into a tree as it snaps in half. You stand back up but before you could charge at him again you smell someone else nearby.

"Who else is with you, they smell of the pale lady." you said as you growled at Gunmar. The brute laughs as he slowly approaches you.

"I see nothing can hide from such a magnificent creature such as yourself." Gunmar says as you hear someone drop behind you from the trees. You quickly turn around and as you swing at them, they dodge with ease as they stand beside Gunmar. Making a clicking noise you see that the other troll is smaller than Gunmar and looks to be missing some pieces of his stoney skin.

"Who are you?" you said as your voice shook the two trolls' beings.

"Warden of the Darklands I am Angor Rot, an assassin for the pale lady." he said as he bowed slightly, you scoffed at him as you faced towards Gunmar. You could hear Angor Rot say something to Gunmar but it was too quiet for you to hear, but Gunmar's response was loud and clear.

"I asked for your help not to be lectured by a human's pet." Gunmar said as you begin to lose interest in their beckering. You start to walk away but Gunmar calls out to you," Wait Warden I...request an audience with you." Gunmar said as a variety of clicking noises came from you. Walking closer to the two Gunmar looks at Angor Rot for advice but he just elbows him in return.

"Is this about the mate band? If so, I destroyed it the instant I found out what it was." you said as you crossed your arms. Gunmar's face turned into rage but Angor Rot nudged him again, getting him to calm down.

"I should have. . .been. ..more considerate towards your ugh feelings." Gunmar says with extreme struggle. You tilt your head confused, what does he want from you?,"Warden of the darklands, will you," Gunmar pauses as he takes a knee with him cursing in trollish under his breath,"Please allow me to court you." Gunmar manages to spit out as you stand there shocked by his words. Gunmar the warlord wants to court you? Dictatious told you about how courting works for trolls. They impress the other with their size and strength and bring them gifts. But this warlord has left you very unimpressed as considered his plea to you.

"End this war Gunmar and I might consider it." you said as Gunmar stood back up, he is beyond mad and not even Angor can calm him down. He attempts to punch you but you grab his fist as you throw him deeper into the forest.

"I am doing this for you! could rule beside me, as we take what is rightfully ours! You will see that there is no stopping this, Morgana is free and she will bring forth the eternal night!" Gunmar shouted as his voice echoed through the forest.

"And I thought I was blind." you said as you walked away. Angor rot watched but did nothing as he waited for the angry warlord to calm down.

( Time skip )

You, Blinky, and Arrrgh are walking to the school when you notice the smell from Blinky is almost similar to Arrrgh's.

"Blinky you smell different." you said as Blinky hummed confused,"you smell like Arrrgh." As soon as you said those words Blinky and Arrrgh looked at each other nervously wondering if you had noticed,"you asked who gave me the mating band. . . it was Gunmar." Blinky gasps as Arrrgh looks angry.

"Gunmar deserves death he-" Arrrgh said but Blinky rubbed Arrrgh's arm as he sighed.

"I am happy you told us, did he do anything to you?" Blinky said as the three of you continued walking to the school.

"No I am fine, that beast will never get what he wants if he continues on this route of war. It will be his demise." you said as you clenched your fist. Blinky hums in agreement as a strange feeling welled up in your chest. You agree with your words but why do you feel so sad? The two trolls in front of you stop walking as they start climbing the building you boosted the two of them to the roof as you wait for the group ground Jim. A war is coming and the boy must be prepared no matter the costs.

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