Humans can be so rude

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The humans told you to act like you're going to eat them as part of a "play" whatever that is. You currently were trying to grab them, but you moved slow enough for them to move away from you in time. You made clicking noises as your horns glowed, one of them hit you on the head and you faked being dead as you fell to the ground with a thud.

You heard clapping as you quickly stood to your feet, one of the humans put a hand on your rib cage as you back up from their warm touch.

"Oh sorry, why don't you change out of all that stuff y/n?" One of the humans says as they guide you to the basement. You hear the door close behind you and a clicking noise as you scoff in response. You sat down on the cold floor as your rib cage opened up. You stuck your hand inside as you removed the sack Gunmar gave to you. Opening it you get a stench of troll remains from it as you put your hand inside to pull out a troll hand. Without hesitation you quickly devour all the troll remains. You feel one more thing in the bag as you pull it out, you fidget with the object in your hands trying to get a good picture in your mind of what it is. You growl in frustration as you throw the empty bag to the side as you place the strange object in your chest. Your rib cage closes as you hear the door open followed by a pair of footsteps approaching you.

"You can come back up, he's gone." Barbara said as she lightly placed a hand on your shoulder. Her warm touch made you jolt in surprise. The heat of this place is really starting to bother you as your thoughts seem to start getting fuzzy,"I'm sorry y/n, please though join us upstairs Jim says he found merlin which is strange but I am starting not to question it." you chuckle as you stand up following her upstairs. They continue their conversation but the changeling has a scent of fear and continues to intensify.

"What is it changeling?" your voice quiets the humans as they stare at you confused.

Oh I am simply waiting for Jim's return." Strickler said as he messed with the sleeve of his suit.

"You reek of fear Changeling, what causes you to let out such a dreadful smell." you said as Strickler gulps nervously.

"It's just. . .your pescences frightens me." Strickler admits as you laugh at him.

"I don't blame you impure, but you have nothing to fear as long as you don't betray the Trollhunter." you said as a growl emitted from your throat. The humans calm you down as you hear a knock on the door. Brabara opens it as Arrrgh, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Toby, and a familiar human scent enters the house. They all greet each other as warm gestures are shared between the humans.

"You." an old voice spoke as you turned your head sniffing them.

"You." you said back to the old human.

"What the blazes are you doing here on the surface you shouldn't be able to stay up here without consequences." Merlin said as he crossed his arms.

"What does it matter to you old fool, once a great wizard now look at you, just a sack of flesh with nothing to show." you growled at the human as Merlin looked shocked from your knowledge of his past. Merlin was about to say something else but Jim pushed him away before he could. You sighed as Blinky and Arrrgh approached you.

"I never thought such a great wizard would be such a jerk." Blinky said as you chuckled at his words. You open your rib cage slightly as you remove the strange object from earlier.

"Could you tell me what this is Blinky?" you said as Blinky carefully takes the object from you as he examines it.

"It looks to be a mating pair band, trolls would bestow this to each other and would put it on their horns to say what humans call "taken". This one looks to fit you perfectly, who gave this to you?" Blinky said as he looked up at you waiting for your answer.
"Gunmar." you said under your breath as a deep growl is heard from you as you take the band and crush it in your hand. The crushed metal clanks to the floor as you walk back into the basement. Blinky and Arrrgh follow after you as they watch you fall to the ground in exhaustion on the cement floor.

"What wrong?" Arrrgh said as you begin to pant.

"The surface, it's so hot." you said as Blinky realizes the problem as he rushes upstairs. You can hear doors closing and shouting from upstairs as more footsteps are heard coming back down the stairs.

"Here take this, it should cool you down." Jim says as you carefully take a cold object from the Trollhunter. As you hold the object you put it closer to your chest as your rib cage opens. You placed it inside as you closed it, you could feel the cold feeling run through your body as your fur seems to glow slightly.

"Thank you Trollhunter, what is it you gave me?" you said as you leaned against a wall.

"I gave you an Ice pack, it should keep you cold for now. We should probably get some rest, Blinky, Arrrgh, you two can head back to the other trolls. y/n you need to stay here so I can keep refreshing the ice pack once it gets too warm." Jim says while everyone else Agrees. You are now the only one left in the Trollhunters den as you then hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hello again Warden." Merlin said as he crossed his arms.

"What do you want?" you said as Merlin takes a step closer to you.

"I simply ask for a small piece of your fur, that is all I ask." Merlin says as he bows to you trying to seem more polite. You grumble to yourself as you rip off a small amount of your own fur as you hand it to the old man. He takes it excitedly as he rushes back upstairs. You sigh as you lay down on the floor feeling the cold seep into your skin as sleep welcomes you.

You awake to the feeling of someone tapping on your horn as you sit up. Sniffing them you recognize them as Jim, he tells you he is going to be gone for a little while and he is going to refresh the ice pack. You nodded as you gave it to him, Jim came back downstairs as he gave the Ice pack back to you.

"By the way, Merlin said he needed your help in the garage. See ya." Jim says as he exits the basement. You sighed as you slowly stood up making your way to the garage. Opening the door you make a clicking noise to see Merlin messing with something in his hands.

"Warden! Please come in, I need your assistance in making lady Claire's and Tobais armor." Merlin said as you squeezed through the doorway hear it crack and stretch. Once you made it in Merlin hands you a piece of smooth metal as the old man now stares at you waiting for you to do something. You tilt your head confused by what he wants you to do.

"Bless it you oaf." Merlin finally says as he works on the other pieces of armor. You look at him in anger, why would you give such a gift to a piece of metal. But this is for Jim's friends, his allies. You reluctantly open your rib cage as the souls inside swirl in excitement for the chance of being free. A little blue orb escaped from the mass of blue souls as it flew around, eventually it launched itself into the armor piece as it fused with it. Merlin eyes widen from shock but quickly change as he takes the piece of armor and then gives you another. You grumble as you begin the process again.

After about a couple of hours the full sets of armor have been complete. You stand there as Merlin shoes you off, growling at him as you make your way back to the basement as you go back to sleep. Unfortunately you were not asleep for very long, as you hear crashing and quick footsteps upstairs. In a hurry you make your way upstairs as you can hear Merlin and Jim arguing.

"y/n!? I need your help distracting Merlin so I can get the other Trollhunters!" Jim says as his sword clashes with Merlins. You nod as you roar at the old man, you charge at him as you pin him to the wall.

"I wish I wouldn't have to do this, but you brought it among yourself." Merlin said as you heard something smash against your head. You back away from Merlin as a warm liquid runs down your head. You stumble back as the warm liquid feels to be getting hotter and hotter. You fall to the ground as your mind becomes fuzzy, as voices try to reach out to you calling for you. But they are unanswered for you have returned to your slumber that you always desire.

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