Even blood can run cold

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Your slumber was rudely interrupted by a wretched stench that filled your senses. You groan as you rise to your feet as the person in front of you backs away in caution.

"You reek mortal, who disturbs me?" you said annoyed. The troll in front of you gulps nervously as they clear their throat.

"I am here to take you to the trial of the trollhunter. They deemed it wise your input would be invaluable, please follow me warden." The troll said as they led you through troll market leading you to the council members. You sniff the air as you smell Usurna, Vendel, and two other trolls you don't recognize. The troll that led you there leaves as Vendel turns to smile at you. He taps the edge of the stone railing asking you to come closer. As you approach the railing Usurna notices you as she scoffs under her breath.

"The warden of the darklands has arrived and let the council commence with its judgment towards the accused, the trollhunter." Usurna said as you and Vendel did your best to defend the trollhunter.

( Time skip )

The council have taken a quick break as you and Vendel were in the hearthstone discussing ways to free the troll hunter from this situation.

"The boy will need to find someone if-" Vendel was cut off by a loud pair of footsteps entering the heartstone.

"Sorry for the interruption but I have a matter to discuss with you two." Vendel scoffs as you growl in annoyance," we need to find out what to do when the trollhunter is gone, when they are banished we will have no one to protect us, the warden has struck a deal with the brute so we can't rely on them. I suggest we look into other options." Usurna said but wait a moment.

"How did you know I made a deal with Gunmar, I haven't told anyone." you said confused as Usurna snapped her fingers, one of the guards immediately took out a sword that has red runes engraved on the blade.

You growled in anger as Vendel backed up afraid," Usurna but that weapon away, this is considered treason you will be killed for this." Vendel said as his fear turned into rage.

"You old fool, this is the new dawn, a new age Gunmar will claim this world and be the rightful ruler for all trolls! Down the beast I will take care of Vendel." Usurna said as the two guards behind her charged at you. Roaring you charged at them as you crashed into them. You grab one as you throw them against the wall. You were about to smash them with your fist when you felt a stinging pain in your back. Falling to the ground you feel as if your body has been set ablaze.

You hear Vendel gasp in pain as he turns to stone, you whimper in pain as you attempt to stand up but fall in the process.

"Gunmar has plans for you, warden of the darklands, I will see you till then." Usurna said as she kicked you on the way out of the heartstone. You lay there on the ground as the red sword in your back glows with heat as it weakens you further. You fade from awareness as you scum to sleep.

"Y/n!" you hear someone shout your name as you make a clicking noise to see Blinky, Arrrgh, Toby, and Claire rush up to you as they help you sit up. Blinky notices the sword as he swiftly rips it out as you hiss in pain.

"An inferno sword, rare but deadly, y/n you have been weakened by the ancient flames of time. I suggest you not push yourself too much." Blinky says as he looks at a pile of stones, he sees Vendel's hand as his face warps to shock," What happened warden y/n?" Blinky and everyone else awaits your answer as you lower your head in grief.

"Usurna approached the two of us while we were discussing how to help Jim, she attacked us. Killing Vendel and weakening me. What happened after we left?" you said as the four of them looked at each other in sadness.

"We lost, Jim is lost to the deep." Toby said as you growled knowing the brute is inside of the trollmarket. You then hear footsteps approaching the group as you attempt to get up but before you could fall back down Arrrgh grabs you as he helps you stand up.

"We need to stop Gunmar, but where will we find him?" Jim's voice made all of you turn to him in shock.

"The Janus order was preparing for his return so we can find him there." Toby said as everyone started making their way out of the heartstone but Blinky stopped you in your tracks.

"You must rest warden, we can't have you fall in battle." Blinky said as you nodded. You listened as the group left you in the heartstone. The heat from its glow was not helping you heal so you made your way back to your den, but before you could rest you heard panicked yelling as you exited your den to try to figure out what was going on.

"Gunmar has entered trollmarket run for your lives!!!" a troll screamed as they ran past you. The loud noise spiked pain in your head as you sniffed the air to see if they were correct. Oh you smelled him alright and you are not happy about it at all. You roared as you charged in his direction, you might be able to distract him so the other trolls could escape.

"Warden?" A confused voice said as you slammed into them, sending the two of you to the ground. You roared at them as you punched them continuously, but then the same fiery feeling was felt in your side as you whimpered in pain. Gunmar managed to push you off as he watched you struggling to stand up. The sword in your side glowed red with power as you could feel a cold liquid leaving your body.

"I bleed? Never knew I could." you said as your hand gripped the sword and ripped it out. A blue liquid dripped from the sword as you threw it away from you. Your breathing became rigid as A smile appeared on Gunmars face.

"Shackle them, I will need them for my plans later." Gunmar said as you hear his fading footsteps. You could no longer remain conscious as your mind escapes to your slumber.

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