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Waking up you feel movement on your chest as you sniff the air to smell the Trollhunter is laying on you.

"Oh sorry y/n I don't know what came over me." Jim says. You smile as you move the trollhunter off of you.

"It is alright little Trollhunter, you were emotional, that is nothing to be ashamed of." you said as you hear soft snoring beside you, Probably was Dictatious.

"Hey wanna see something funny?" you said as Jim looked at you confused. You got closer to Dictatious as you mimicked Gunmar's growl. Dictatious springs to his feet as he looks around to see the grin on your face.

"Oh you big oaf let me sleep in peace, I am too old to be up right now." Dictatious said as he lightly hit your face and turned over. You and Jim chuckle as you walk out of the den, you weren't paying attention where you were going so went face first into a pillar. Jim bursts out laughing as he watches you rub your face.

"Hey I'm still curious, why did you want pieces of dead trolls?" Jim said as you turned to him, hesitant to answer.

"well . . . let me show you first." you took in a breath as your rib cage opened revealing blue souls swirling around inside your chest, in the very center of the mass of souls is a light blue sphere. Your rib cage closed as you could smell the fear coming off the boy.

"W-what was t-that?!" Jim said, frightened as he backed up. Your face shows concern as you take a deep breath.

"That was my core, my power source, the key part of me that keeps me alive. Without it I would be long dead."

"You're powered by dead people!? That is so wrong, why?!" Jim shouted as he summoned his sword. You raise your hands up defensively as you try to explain yourself.

"Trollhunter you must understand I never wanted this. It just happened. Anytime I slay an enemy or eat their corpse I gain their soul. I can't get rid of them or stop more from appearing." you said as Jim puts his sword behind his back but still slightly cautions.

"Sorry y/n I shouldn't have acted like that. I am the Trollhunter. I should be helping people like you, not criticizing them." Jim said as you shook your head disapproving of him.

"Jim, I understand your reaction, you don't need to be sorry about it. As long as you understand that I am still your ally and not your enemy." you said as Jim smiled thankful for your understanding. All of a sudden you smelled something off. It didn't smell like a troll or a goblin. Approaching it you click to see a small rectangle in the fungus. You pick it up carefully as Jim walks up behind you to see what you're holding.

"Wait, let me see that." Jim says as he takes the object from you."K.I.C, keep it Crispy. y/n there coming, there coming! My friends are coming for me!" Jim cheers as he hugs you with joy. You chuckle as you pat the boy's head.

"That is great news Trollhunter, we must wait and keep your hope strong till they arrive." you said as Jim ripped the candy open and ate it. You walk off to a strange looking tree with black roots and white leafs. Fruit hangs from a few branches as you sniff the air reaching up and grabbing one.

"What's that?" Jim says as he looks at it but then backs away suddenly,"Oh it reeks!"

"This is a Cimmerian fruit it is a great repellent against Nyarlagroth's but for me it is food." you said as you put it in your mouth swallowing it.

"Ugh gross is there anything else you eat that isn't gross?" Jim said.

"Unfortunately no, I nurtured this Cimmerian tree and the only other thing edible for your kind might be the Nyarlagroth itself or its eggs." Jim sighs disappointed by the answer but then something in his mind clicks as he looks up at you.

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