This brute is something

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( I may be slowing turning this story into a Gunmar x reader so oops, but I can't help it I mean have you seen him?! )

Draal, Nomura, Jim, Toby, and Claire left the group as they returned to their homes. Blinky, Arrrgh, and Dictatious lead you to Trollmarket so you can stay there and away from the sun. Blinky told you that they were in a place called Arcadia and under it was Trollmarket, he said it should be cold enough down there for me.

"Horngazel." Blinky says as you hear him throw something to Arrrgh. The sound of scratching stone was heard as Arrrgh tossed something back to blinky. Dictatious gently grabs your arm as he leads you through the gateway to trollmarket. The three of you walk down the stairs as you can hear the bustling of trolls and vermin scurrying around the place.

"Let's go meet Vendel before we get unwanted attention." Blinky said as Arrrgh hummed in response. They led you inside a room as you could feel a warm like energy surrounding you, it made you feel uneasy.

"What is it now you-" A troll said as they stared at you in awe. You tilt your head confused by what is going on as you sniff the air to smell a very old troll in front of you,"It can't be, the warden of the darklands what a great honor I must say. Now what do I owe to such a wonderful beast that has graced me with their presents?" Vendel said as he bowed. You chuckled at the old troll's politeness as you bowed in return to them.

"I am merely seeking a cold lovely den that I could live my life in and aid in any problems that will fall onto trollmarket." you said as Vendel smirks, surprised by how kind you are.

"Of course it would be an honor to have you in trollmarket. Blinky, Arrrgh why don't you show them some of the empty dens. After your done come back to the heartstone there is something we must discuss." Vendel said. Blinky nods as he leads you out of the heartstone and to the dens. Blinky shows a large one that is furthest away from the warm glow of the heartstone. You sniff the air and smell a damp wet smell coming from further in the den.

"It's missing something." you said. Blinky was about to ask something but stopped when he saw your rib cage open. In horror he hid behind Arrgh who didn't even seem fazed. A couple of blue souls escaped from your chest as they planted themselves in the wall and floor. The blueish black fungus grew in an instant as the den is covered in the fungus. Your rib cage closes as you sit on the ground facing the group,"now it's perfect." you said as Arrrgh laid down in the moss like fungus feeling the softness of it.

"Come on Vendel needs to talk to us, you two Dictatious. You can stay here and rest, one of us will fetch you if the Trollhunter returns." Blinky said as you nod. The three of them leave you as you're making a nest out of the soft fungus. A happy chuff sound is heard from you as you lay down in the nest resting from the exhausting day you had.

(Time skip)

You feel something poke you as you grunt in annoyance. You stand up as you sniff the air to smell Arrrgh standing before you.

"Oh it's you, hello Arrrgh. Has Jim returned to Trollmarket?" you said.

"Yes Jim here. Also need to ask question." Arrrgh said nervously.  You tilt your head confused as Arrrgh musters the courage to ask," you recognize me?" Arrrgh said as you were very confused now. You sniffed Arrrgh more as you think about the scent he gives off.

"Oh yes I remember your the General that left so long ago. I remember when you were a whelp when the soldiers brought you to the darklands to train you. I am sorry I did not do anything to help you, I was still trying to stay hidden." you said sadly.

"It's alright I understand. Let's go see Blinky." Arrrgh said as he walked out of your den with you following close behind. Arriving at Blinky's library you can smell the humans and you can hear Dictatious talking to Blinky about what happened in the darklands.

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