Your existence was my everything

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The yell sends you into a fit of rage as you want to hit them. Your fist hits something metallic as you hear it impact with the wall.

"y/n stop! They are an ally!" Blinky shouts as he grabs your arm stopping you from swinging it again. Lowering your fist you sniffed the person in front of you as their hair went everywhere from your breath. Blinky lets go as he runs off in the direction of the thing I hit.

"Oh uh hi there I am Jim's mom barbara, also how dare you hit my son you could have killed him!" the female human said as they shouted at you, annoyed by their yelling you growl at the human as she seems slightly taken aback by your aggression.

"y/n please, mom don't shout at them they were trying to protect me. They are blind so they couldn't see me when I tried to block y/n's fist." Jim said as his armor disappears, Barbara then gives Jim the death glare as she stomps over to him.

"You need to tell their parents you made me look like a fool up there, we just want to protect you. But how can we do that if you don't tell us the truth." Jim sighs as he makes his way back upstairs Barbara was about to follow but you lightly tapped her back. She turns to look at you confused, waiting for you to explain your reason in getting their attention.

"What is a mom?" you said as you hear Barbara chuckle.

"A mom is a person who has a child that they take care of." Barbara says as she hears gasps from upstairs as she then makes her way up there. A low whimper is heard from you as Blinky puts a hand on your arm in a comforting way.

"What troubles you warden y/n?" Blinky said.

Turning to face him you said,"I used to have a child. . . once." Blinky gasps as he rubs your arm trying to comfort you.

"What happened?" Blinky said, hesitant to ask such a sensitive question.

"When I was in the Darklands I wanted to feel that I was not some lone creature, I wanted to find another one of my kind. With sheer determination I was able to use all my built up energy to create a child. They were my pride and joy, I would teach them how to see like me and listen carefully to everything. But making them took almost everything out of me so I needed to sleep more often. One day I woke up to find my child missing. I searched the Darklands for them and all I ever found of them was a piece of their horn." you said sadly as blinky grieves with you.

All of a sudden you hear quick footsteps and a disgusting smell that makes you growl in alarm. Blinky looks at where your head turned to see goblins coming from the hole leading to the sewers.

"Goblins! They must have followed you here!" Blinky said as he grabs a broom and wacks them away from the two of you. You tried to punch them but they move around too much and you can't get a clear hit. Blinky shoves you through a doorway as he goes through as well closing it behind him. You hear screams in horror as you roar at them ready to attack.

"WAIT!!! y/n calm down there friends." Jim says quickly as he puts himself between you and the adults, sticking his hands up in a defensive matter.

"They're hideous!" a male human said. You growled as you tried to approach them but Jim's hands came in contact with your rib cage as you backed up not expecting to feel such warmth from a human.

"We may have a situation Master Jim." Blinky said as the door burst open as a large amount of goblins escaped through the door, jumping on you and Blinky. Chaos ensued as everyone started killing the goblins. You managed to grab one as you squished it to pulp as the green goo seeps through your fingers. You shake your hand in disgust as you hear a strange click of something as you turn around to find the source.

"Y/n! Look out!" You hear Jim shout as he slices the crossbow in half. You raised your fist as you smashed the leader goblin to mush. Everything goes quiet for a moment as the other goblins look at their dead leader in horror in fear they quickly escape the house. You roar to claim your victory as you turn to Jim.

"Thank you Trollhunter." you said as you heard Clarie approach the two of you.

"Jim I had a vision, I saw Angor rot and Arrrgh, I saw a staff." Claire said as Blinky approached the three of you.

"What did the staff look like?" Blinky said.

"It had a green gem on the top of it." Claire said as you growled in anger of the thought of the owner of the staff.

"Merlin's staff, that old fool will be fine on his own, he should continue to rot." you said as everyone looked at you in confusion.

"You met him?" Blinky said.

"I have once, he is the first human to enter the Darklands. He went in there to see if he could discover rare materials but instead he found me asleep. That jerk face proceeded to wake me up and asked for my horn, the literal thing that helps me see with sound. So instead he took a piece of the fungus that grew on the ground and left. That was the last I saw of him.".You said as everyone is realizing merlin is kind of a jerk.

( Time skip brought to you by the forgetful reader who doesn't remember what happens next )

You have been stuck with these humans for an uncomfortably long time and another soon joined them, can't believe humans allow changelings in their den. They were talking to each other as Barbara soon convinces you to talk with them. With a grumble you stand before them as the humans go quiet.

"Warden of the Darklands!? What are you doing here!" the changeling shouts as you growl at them.

"y/n no, they are a guest though I won't mind if you rip Strickler apart." Barbara said as she smiled. The changeling nervously messes with the collar of his shirt as he looks around to change the subject. Before anyone could say anything else a knock was heard on the door as you turned your head quickly to the sound. Growling you approached the sound as a couple of humans pushed you back.

"Hide them!" Barbara said as they guided you upstairs they told you to stay quiet as they went back downstairs. You hear an unknown voice talking to the other humans. They could be dangerous, you thought as your mind worries for the safety of Jim's mom. You attempt to get closer but you weren't expecting there to be no ground as you fall tumbling down the stairs.

"What is that!" you hear someone shout as you stand back up roaring at the unknown person. You then hear a thud as the person yelling at you drops to the ground.

"Big fellow, help me move the body won't you dear?" a elderly human said as she looked at you. Walking over to humans you picked up their limp body as they guided you to place them down on the couch.

"Well now what do we do!?" Strickler said as everyone looked at one another for a solution.

"I've got an idea." a female human said as you could hear a click, you tilt your head confused by the strange sound.

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