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Adelinde enters the office and look towards at Diluc, "Master Diluc... The young lady. She came back with your child."

Diluc got up and straightened his coat before heading to the living room with Adelinde. There on the couch was Y/N, cradling a baby in her arm as the small being cooed at her lovingly. When Y/N sees Diluc she got up and hand the baby to him, in the process of doing so, the baby starts crying out for her.

"Hey hey. Shhh... it's alright." Y/N said softly, trying to calm him down, "You're in good hands now with your dad. I'm not in the right position to take care of you."

Diluc patted the baby and was unsure if he was holding the baby in a comfortable position, "It's ok. I got you..."

The baby continues to cry out and it was starting to have an effect on Y/N emotionally so she quickly hand him a basket of his clothes and belongings, "Here! These are his clothes. He's born on April 20th. And I didn't give him a name yet since you're gonna be the one taking care of him."

She quickly gather her stuff and gets up to leave. Diluc stopped her, "Just a moment!"

She turns around and he could see that tears were welling up in her eyes and he tries to speak over the baby cries, "If you want to, you can always come and visit. I want you to be a part of his life as well."

Y/N shakes her head and walks towards the exit, "I'm afraid I don't have the qualities of a mother. Plus I have a career to pursue."

She leaves and Diluc looked at the door for a few seconds and he turn his attention back to his crying son.

"Alright alright now... Your daddy got you."

It doesn't seem to work. Diluc sighed and tries to think of a way to calm the little one down in his arms. Then a memory of his father singing him a lullaby when he was younger came to his mind. He tries to hum the tune as he pat the baby and it calmed him down eventually as he drifted into a deep sleep.

Diluc smiles at the baby as he hands him to Adeline who gasp when she took notice of the baby's face, "Master Diluc, he really is your son! He has the same red hair and face as you."

"Hm... Yes he does. The mother said he doesn't have a name yet. What do you think I should call him?"

"I'm not sure... I feel like you should be the one to name him since he is your child."

"You're right. Lemme think...."

He stares at the baby and brush aside his red hair from his face and an idea came to his mind, "How about Leonard? Leonard Ragnvindr?"

"Leonard Ragvindr? I think it has a lovely ring to it."

"Then Leonard it is. Please bring him to his crib and help me watch him for a bit."

Adeline brings Leonard to his room and Diluc picks up the basket. Most of it were just baby clothes and a few blankets. It wasn't a lot for the baby's needs but at least she tried to contribute. He'll also need to order for more toys, furnitures, food, and other essentials that he hasn't gotten yet. His eyes landed on a piece of folded paper in the basket and he opens it to a note Y/N wrote for him.

Please be a mother for him as well. For I couldn't bring myself to do so.


He tilted his head at the note.

'So her name is Y/N...'


After Y/N finally arrive back home from Mondstadt. She ignored Kaveh and Alhaitham and went straight to her room. She didn't want to talk with anyone at the moment and the sounds of her son's cry can still be heard ringing in her ears when she left the manor. She felt guilty, ashamed and upset at herself. Was it really ok to give up on her son so easily? She couldn't help but feel like her mother, who abandoned her in Sumeru instead of bring her back home to Mondstadt. She had given up on her as well and even though Y/N swore to never be like her, she couldn't help but feel like she is.

She sobs into her hands as her thoughts begin to spiral.

'Is this really worth it?'

'But I still need to graduate and start my research like I've always planned to...'

'But my son was crying so much for me. He wanted me by his side.'

Soon a blue glow emerged from her drawer and she took notice of its light. She opens her drawer and there was her files containing her many messy hypothesis of her research projects and the one baby clothes she forgot to pack.

Between the two items lays a cryo vision.

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