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Two days has passed by in a flash. Most of Y/N's routine consist of her spending time with Leonard, exploring the lands of Mondstadt, collecting any plants and studying them for future use of herbs and medicine, or chatting with the house staff and the employees who work in the winery. Diluc was barely home so she never got the chance to speak more than a few words with him, which are only greetings. Most of the time, he was in his office holding a meeting, helping the employees out in the grape vineyard, out late at night working at the tavern, or guarding Mondstadt.

Y/N is now currently in her room cribbing down the last part of her research article before she drops her quill and stretched out her arms.

'Finally, I'm done! This should be the last work I need to turn into the Akademiya before they give out my payroll.'

She organized her papers together before making her way downstairs to the kitchen to fetch herself a glass of water.

Leonard came running into the kitchen giggling and hide underneath a table. He looks up at Y/N and puts a finger to his lips.

Y/N looked down at him, "What in the world are you doing??"

"Leonard!! Get back here!" Adelinde shouted as she charged into the kitchen, "Oh I have so much to say to your father when he's back home!"

Adelinde bend down underneath the table, "Aha! I got you now!"

Leonard squealed and ran out from the table and hid behind Y/N, "Help me Aunt Y/N!"

"What is going on?" Y/N asked as Adelinde ran around her and tries to grab Leonard's arm.

Leonard barely ducked free from Adelinde's grip as Y/N hosted him up in her arms, "Leonard, care to explain why you're not listening and running away from Ms. Adelinde?"

"Ms. Adelinde wants to braid my hair! I don't like it!"

Adelinde puts her hands on her hips, "Don't be so difficult! I simply told you I wanted to try a new hairstyle on you. If it doesn't look good, I'll just do your usual ponytail."

"No! I don't wanna!"

Y/N patted Leonard's back, "Hey hey hey. Let's calm down now. Be more respectful to Ms. Adelinde. She just wants to make you look your best."

Leonard hesitated as Y/N tries to hand him over to Adelinde. Y/N smiled and patted his back, "It's ok. Just give it a try alright? Adelinde told you she'll give you back your old hairstyle if it doesn't come out looking good."

Leonard sniffed and wrapped his arms around Adelinde as she takes him in her arms, "Ok..."

Y/N chuckled and patted his head, "Good boy."

As Leonard and Adelinde walks out of the kitchen, she turns around and mouthed a 'thank you' to Y/N.


Outside of the manor, Diluc helps one of his employee load a crate of wines onto a wagon as they pack up their shipment of their newest stock to a new region. After making sure all of the crates were in good condition and in place, he approach the merchant.

"All of the wines are in good condition so it's set to be sold off to Liyue." Diluc said as he wiped the sweat his forehead with his handkerchief.

The merchant smiled and hands him the papers, "Great! Now I'll go over the terms of this new contract-"

Diluc shook his head and quickly signed the papers, "There's no need. I understood it all."

"Are you sure? You never skip over the terms-"

"It's completely fine. I'm aware that if there's any problem I'll deal with the matter."

Diluc quickly rushed off towards the manor and the merchant turns to Elzer, "Sir Elzer, is everything alright with Master Diluc? He seems to be in a hurry."

Elzer smiles and pushes the merchant towards the wagon, "Oh it's nothing. Best you be on your way now so you're not late for the delivery."

But Elzer knew otherwise. He sighed and shook his head as he watches Diluc made his way into the manor. The young man was clearly excited to spent some time with Leonard and Y/N hence why he was rushing every one at the field to finish packing the wine and gathering the grapes.

'Well it's best for the young master anyway...' He thought to himself, 'He hasn't have this much excitement or happiness for a long time now...'


Back at the manor, Diluc rushed towards Y/N's room and finds it empty.

'Strange... She's always in her room.'

He ran back down the stairs and encountered the maid Chloe, "Chloe! Have you seen Y/N?"

"Ms. Y/N? I just saw her in the kitchen helping Adelinde pack some food for the picnic."

"Alright. Thank you."

Diluc swiftly made his way into the kitchen and finds Y/N and Adelinde finish packing up a picnic basket. Y/N looked up and smiled, "Diluc! You're back earlier than expected."

"Yes. I managed to finish the winery's task early so we can head out right now." Diluc then picks up the basket, "Y/N, why do you go find Leonard and we'll be out on our way."

Adelinde widen her eyes, "No!"

Diluc flinched at Adelinde sudden reaction and he gave her a concerned look, "Is everything alright Adelinde?"

Adelinde cleared her throat, "Ahem. Yes. But I'm afraid Leonard is asleep right now. Perhaps you two should just enjoy the picnic and each other's company."

Diluc sighed, "I promised Leonard I'll take him out today on a picnic. We can't do this without him. I'll head upstair and wake him up."

Adelinde frowned and pushed Diluc out towards the manor door, "Oh, just go and have the picnic with Ms. Y/N! I'll take care of Leonard. No reasoning and don't even dare to try to start an argument with me!"

Adelinde dragged Y/N's arm and also shoved her out the door, "Go on now! I'll see you both back in the evening!"

She slammed the door in their face and sighed as she walks down the hallway towards Leonard's room and bumped into Elzer on the way. The butler smiled at her, "Did it work?"

She gave him a weary look, "Yes Elzer. I don't know what you're planning for them but I'm not sure if it's even going to work out. I mean, I've raised Diluc from a kid to the adult he is now so I know everything about him. You and I both know he's not interested into seeing any women and Ms. Y/N would be the last person he would have any romance with."

Elzer chuckled, "Well I'm not sure if you haven't noticed but recently, the young master and Y/N has been getting a lot closer. If you were out in the yard earlier, you would've saw how he was urging everyone to wrap up work quickly so he can go on that picnic."

"Oh alright! You owe me for this one Elzer. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to see Leonard. I promised to play with him in exchange of him staying in to let his parents go on their little date."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now