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After completing the first part of her newest report on her research, Y/N gather her belongings at the library before making her way to the front desk. Lisa looked up from her book and smiled at her, "All done with your report?"

"Not yet." Y/N said as she hands a book over to Lisa, "I still have a few more things to look at so I'll like to borrow this book out."

"Alright then. Remember to return it after two weeks."

"I'll probably give it back sooner. Bye Lisa!"

"Bye! Do come back and visit me again."

Once Y/N step out of the knight's headquarters, she made her way down to the street of Mondstadt. Since she has some time to kill, she could stroll around in the market area or head to a cat cafe, or...

She passed by the Angel Share tavern and stopped in her tracks.

It's been a while since she last drank dandelion wine. Wasn't it almost like a week ago? She kinds of forgotten what alcohol tasted like after staying with Diluc.

'Well... A little wine won't hurt. It's still light out and I'll just have a few glass before I head back to the manor.'

With that, she walked inside the tavern. Usually the place would be quiet but there seems to be a bard singing a classic Mondstadt poem while playing the lyre in his hand. She made her way to the bar and sat down in front of the bartender, "A glass of dandelion wine please."

The bartender nodded his head, "Give me a few moments."

The bard finished singing and everyone clapped. He bowed his head and hopped off from the table, "Thank you! Thank you!"

He then came over and sat next to Y/N and waved for the bartender's attention, "A glass of dandelion wine for my performance today please!"

"You sure you don't want any mora Venti?"

"Nope! Just a glass of dandelion wine! Oh—! And maybe some apples and crackers please!"

The bartender sighed and rolled his eyes, "Coming right up."

The bard then turns his attention to Y/N, "Why hello! You don't seem to be from around here. Care to tell me who you are?"

"Uhhh..." Y/N started as she tries to think of an introduction, "The name's Y/N. I'm a researcher from Sumeru."

"Ah! Nice to meet you! I'm Venti." Venti said as the bartender pass him his drink and food, "What brings you to the tavern?"

"I'm just here to get some drinks." Y/N said as the bartender pass the drink to her.

She was about to take a sip from her glass before it was snatched out of her hand. She turned around, "Hey!"

She widened her eyes as Diluc stared down at her with a raised eyebrow, "Why are you drinking in broad daylight? I thought you were doing your research?"

"Oh! Uhm.." Y/N sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck as she avoided Diluc's gaze, "I just finished earlier and I want to treat myself out for a drink."

Venti seems to be surprised by Diluc's sudden arrival, "What's up Diluc? Do you have a shift here at the tavern this early in the afternoon?"

"Nope. I'm just here to check on the stocks of the tavern." Diluc said as he walked into the bar and pour the drink out in a nearby sink, causing Y/N to frown at him.

"Hey! Why did you just pour out my drink?"

Diluc rolled his eyes and quickly mix up a drink before handing it to Y/N. She gave him a questionable look before she took a sip out of her glass. She then looked up at him with a confused look, "Why did you pour out the dandelion wine and made me another one?"

"Tch. Couldn't you tell?" Diluc said as he lean against the counter and wipe his hand clean, "It's fake dandelion wine. I used all the original ingredient and replaced the alcohol with sweet flower and mint. Hence the sweet taste."

"Mmm. I can't really taste it out."

Venti started at the drink in Y/N's hand and she sighed, "Here you go."

Venti smiled and took the drink from Y/N's hand and chugged it all in one go, "Ah! That was much refreshing than dandelion wine! But I prefer mine to have a bitter and sweet taste."

He moves the glass aside and looked at Diluc and then Y/N, "So... You both know each other?"

Diluc nod his head, "A good friend of mine. She's currently staying here with me for a while."

Venti smiled at Y/N, "Hey that's cool! I'm sure you get to try out all the wine at his place right? You've probably also come across his son Leonard too!"

"Uhhh I never really drink any of his wine at his home." Y/N said, "But yes, I've met Leonard. He's adorable."

"That's awesome!" Venti said as he chugged down his dandelion wine and munched on a few crackers, "I always stop by the Dawn Winery from time to time and see Leonard. I practically watched him grow up."

"Yeah..." Y/N turned to Diluc with a look. Did he really let this strange bard near Leonard? Diluc only struggled his shoulders.

"Well if you'll both excuse me..." Y/N said as she hops off her stool, "I have places to be so I need to get going. I'll meet you back at the manor Diluc."

Once Y/N left the tavern, Venti turns to Diluc with a mischievous smile and stir his second drink in his hand, "Is she Leonard's mom?"

Diluc frowned, "How do you know?"

"Oh just a lucky guess. She gives off the same vibe as Leonard." He said as he sips his wine and kick his feet, "You know that people like me have great intuition."

"Mhm. You want another glass of wine?" Diluc asked as he lifted up a wine bottle for Venti to which, he gladly accepted.

Despite how he dislike Venti constantly barging into the winery and his tavern for food and wine, he can't really refuse him since he is Barbatos, the archon of Mondstadt.

As Venti gulps down his third drink, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks at Diluc, "Well I'm curious as a cat to see how your relationship with Y/N will turn out now..."

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