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It's been 3 months since Diluc had a drunken one night stand with the student from Sumeru Akademiya and he is deeply ashamed and angry at himself for not being able to control himself when he was drunk. Just how could he get into bed with a woman so easily???

When he woke up after the one night stand, he didn't have a clue about what happened until he noticed his clothes scattered on the floor and the inn room, which was enough to bring back the memories of the passionate drunken night he had with the woman.

'I don't even know her name...and somehow in one night, I manage to know her struggles, her passion, her terrible drinking habits, and getting into bed with her...'

He wants to deny it. That he didn't really do anything with the woman and that his memories were all just some weird lucid dream he had.

His pen snaps from the pressure of his fingers and he sighed in frustration as he push his documents aside to rub his temples. He couldn't focus on his paperwork no matter how hard he tried. The thought of that woman and that night still lingered fresh in his mind for the past 3 months.

Then he heard a knock at his office door and it brought him back to the present moment, "Yes?"

His head housemaid, Adelinde, enters the office, "Master Diluc, a young lady is here to see you. She claims that she knows you and has something important to discuss with you."

"Who could that be?"

"I've never seen her around here but she has long H/C hair and E/C eyes. She looks like she's from Sumeru."

Diluc widen his eyes as he realize that it could be the woman he slept with, "Let her in."

After a while, Y/N enters the office and plastered on a fake smile with open arms, "Remember me?"

Diluc frowned at her, "Unfortunately as much as I don't want to, I do. Especially after what happened that night. Why are you here in Mondstadt?"

She drop her arms and her fake smile, "Tch. Is this how you greet me after I've spend hours asking others about who you are? It took me two days to find out where you live and plus this is my homeland-

Diluc held up his hand to cut her off, "Ok fine. Just tell me why you came to find me."

"I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant. It's your kid."

Diluc widen his eyes, "Are you being serious or is this another one of your games you're trying to play?"

Y/N rolled her eyes and took off her cloak, revealing a small bump on her belly, "I'm 3 months in. Before you start asking more. Yes. It's your kid since you're the only person I've slept with. No, I can't abort it since I'm this far in. Andddd I'm here to ask you if you want to keep the baby because I'm not able to provide for it because I'm still a student and I'm not in the right financial situation to take care of it."

Diluc sat with his hand on his mouth as he process what she just said. She was pregnant. With his child.

Sure, he's not interested to be a father right now and he also think he's not fit to be one at the moment. But it seems like things have changed. He got a woman pregnant and she can't afford to take care of the baby and she's turning to him to ask him if he's willing to take care of it. But what happens if he doesn't want it as well?

"What happens if I say that I won't take care of the baby? What will you do?"

"...I'll have to give it up for adoption."

There was another awkward silence as Diluc thinks through what she just said. Despite him thinking it's best to give the child up for adoption, he finds it saddening as well. The fact that the child will be in an orphanage, wondering why their parents abandoned them. He had always strived to be like his father and plans to have his own family when he settle down one day. He also have more than enough money to support a child and funds it's needs since he's a wine tycoon....

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