it's time ch1

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                         It's Time


On the surface, Roger was a typical 16 year old boy consumed by an insatiable desire for the opposite sex. His thoughts revolved exclusively around girls - their soft curves, their silken hair, their delicate features. It didn't matter where he was - at school, in the park, at the mall, even in church - his eyes were always on them, his heart racing with a mixture of lust and longing.

He drooled over all the beautiful girls, dreaming of dating them, kissing them, being with them. But the more he looked, the more he tried, the more he realized that the girls in his life didn't seem to return his affection. They treated him like he was some kind of disease, or worse, invisible. It didn't matter how hard he tried to impress them, how many compliments he paid, or how many times he tried to start conversations. They just didn't seem interested. And the worst part was, he didn't understand why. He was smart, funny, and had a good sense of style. He was everything they should want in a guy, or so he thought, and yet they weren't interested.

Roger began to question himself. Was there something wrong with him? Was he just not attractive enough? Was there some secret rule to being a teenage boy that he was missing? As these thoughts consumed him, his obsession with girls only grew stronger. He found himself spending more and more time alone in his room, lost in fantasies about the beautiful creatures that seemed to be everywhere except for when he needed them.

One day, while browsing the internet, he stumbled upon a site that promised to help him understand women better. Curious, he signed up for their newsletter and began to receive daily emails filled with advice on how to approach girls, what to say, and what not to say. He devoured this information like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet, desperate to gain any insight into the mysterious world of females.

The tips seemed too good to be true and as he started using them when he was out in public, carefully crafting his words and actions to make himself more appealing to the girls he noticed, he found they were too good to be true. Despite his best efforts, nothing seemed to change. The girls continued to ignore him or, worse, treat him like a nuisance.

As Roger's obsession with girls and their rejection of him grew, so did his curiosity. Eventually he began to have thoughts that shamed him at first, but as time passed he began to entertain them. He had began to wonder what it would be like to be a girl. Would girls like him more? Would they finally at least want to be his friend? Would he be happier if he could just be a girl? All these thoughts consumed him, and he couldn't shake them off.

One day, as Roger sat watching a show on television that featured several beautiful young sexy actresses that filled his fantasies, a thought crossed his mind, "The only way you'll ever be able to be with the girl of your dreams is to become that girl."

A shiver shot up his spine. Roger shuddered. At first he dismissed the idea as silly, or even weird.  But then, after another half hour of watching these girls, lustfully desiring a relationship with one of them or a girl like them, he began to realize the thought might be right. There was no way he'd ever have a girl like any of them.

Prety soon he began to entertain the idea behind the thought.

"What if I had been born a girl? What kind of girl would I have been?" He paused the show on the TV and it froze an a scene with his three favorite girls standing together, all facing the camera with beautiful smiles on their perfectly made up faces.

Each girl had their own unique style and vastly different personalities. Roger carefully studied each one, picking out what details he liked best and then created a girl in his mind that was a composite of all those features.

Roger wondered if that was the girl he would have been. He then began to think about what his life might have been like had he been born that girl.

Before long Roger had an idea. He pondered the idea for a few moments until curiosity cot the better of him and he couldnt resist any longer.

Checking the time to determine how much longer he would have before anyone else was due to be home,  hopped up of the couch and took off toward his step sister's room and went through her closet.

Browsing through each garment hanging there he admired the different fabrics, textures, styles and colors, all while ttying to imagine himself wearing each of them. He did this for a while before he began to fear he might get caught, so he closed the closet door and returned to watching television.

From that point, until the next time he found himself home alone, thoughts of him living a girl's life consumed him. It was all he thought about, fantasized about and what began to get him aroused.

By the next time he was home alone, the curiosity had gotten to be almost more than he could handle. He had to know what it would feel like to be dressed as a girl and how he would look, so as soon as he got home he picked out a couple items from his sister's closet and quickly tried them on. 

To his surprise, every item fit him perfectly and felt amazing. Every nerve ending in his body was excited. As he admired himself in the mirror, he was in heaven. He couldn't believe not only how good he felt but also how good he looked in them. He felt a sense of freedom and happiness he had never experienced before.

He now knew that if he was a girl he would absolutely be the kind of girl he found attractive.

Roger tried to resist the thoughts this realization caused, but as time went on, Roger began to desire to be a girl. He found himself not wanting one of those girls as his girlfriend,  instead he wants to be one of those girls. The thoughts and feelings became stronger and stronger, stsrting to take over his mind,  desires, his every waking thought.

He started to steal pieces of  his sister's clothes, and try them on in his room at night after everyone was in bed. After a week of so if this he began to sleep with his door locked, sleeping in the clothes. Before long he even began to experiment with makeup. He would spend hours in the privacy of his room, laye into the night, trying on different outfits and practicing his makeup skills.

All the while, Roger's family had no idea what was going on. Had they known, he believed they probably would have thought he was just going through a phase, like most teenagers do, and would have disapproved of his indulging in the practice, trying to stop him. But for Roger, it was more than just a phase. It was a deep desire to be someone else, someone who he believed would be happier and more desirable.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, Roger's secret fantasies began to consume him. He started to spend more and more time in his room, dressing as a girl, practicing his makeup, walk, feminine mannerisms and voice.

As time went on, Roger spent every waking moment thinking about Rhonda, the name he had given his feminine side. His grades suffered, and he began to withdraw from the world around him. But he didn't care. All that mattered to him anymore was Rhonda and the happiness she brought him. In his mind Rhonda was his dream girl and the more he dreamed of being her, the more he began to feel a sense of power and control over his life like nothing he had never experienced before.

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