it's time ch8

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With both fearful hesitation and an excited anticipation, Ellie lowered her pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Leaning forward, she examined her new parts while trying to figure out how to get the urine to flow. She also decided since this was her destiny and she now knew it was expected and all, she might as well change out of the too tight jeans and tee shirt of Roger's she was still wearing. She couldn't wait to change into something girly, and she knew just the thing, one of her favorite dresses from her sister's closet.

Meanwhile, when Brenda opened the front door, she saw the pizza delivery driver had already gotten back into his car and was pulling away. Standing at the door holding two very large pizza boxes, was Brenda's older sister, Trinity, with a huge shit-eating grin plastered across her face.

"It's time," Trinity announced to her sister in a slightly off-key, high soprano sing-song voice as she pushed past Brenda and entered the house with a dance in her steps.

"Did you tip the pizza guy?" Brenda asked, knowing her sister was frugal.

"Today's a very special day, " Trinity replied. "I gave him thirty bucks."

"How did you kno...." Brenda began to ask how her sister knew about Roger's transformation, but didn't get to finish since her sister interrupted with an answer. "My whole life, my whole purpose for existing has been leading up to this very moment. I can't wait to meet her and prepare her for her new life. Where is the lucky young lady?"

As Trinity sat the pizzas on the coffee table, she began to look around the room, anxiously searching for her nephew turned neiece. She saw her brother-in-law Steve and other niece Dana sitting together on the couch, but the newly-transformed-into-a-girl, Roger, was nowhere to be found.

"She went to the bathroom, she'll be right back," Dana announced.

"Hurry up, sweetheart," Trinity called out, obnoxiously loud enough to be heard from anywhere in the house and probably all the way to the street, too. "Your fairy godmother has arrived. I am here and ready to start your training and prepare you for your new life."

Trinity took a seat in Brenda's chair without so much as asking if she could sit there, and made a statement to no one in particular. "When I'm done with that girl, every single blue-blooded prince on the planet will be lustfully fighting for her heart, trying to win her hand in marriage."

Brenda took a seat in a slightly uncomfortable chair no one ever sat in except for company and looked over at her husband. He was looking back at her with a look of annoyance on his face. He never had cared much for his wife's older sister and tonight was no exception. He had just been dropped with bombshell revelations about his wife and his son. His poor son, his heart ached for his son. Steve had just lost his son to a horrible curse that robbed him of his masculinity and he was in no mood for visitors, especially not his sister-in-law's loud, boisterous, eccentric self. But, as usual, he didn't say anything.

Brenda discretely nodded her head, "no" at her husband and mouthed, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know, at her husband as they all began to retrieve slices of pizza from the boxes.

Trinity quickly began excitedly asking questions, with food in her mouth, about when and how it happened, how Roger reacted, did anyone see it happen, how long had he been exhibiting signs it was coming, had he confided in Dana about his feminine desires, how pretty is she, etc. etc.

Several minutes later, Ellie silently but gracefully strolled in, expertly navigating her way into the room in three inch pumps. She stopped in the front of the room where everyone could get a good look at her. The smile beaming across Ellie's face was priceless as she gazed at her parents, sister, and Aunt, who were all equally in awe of the beautiful girl standing before them.

Steve was in shock that his sister-in-law was silent. He had never seen this before. That woman was never at a loss for words.

Ellie's flowing, wavy brunette hair tickled her bare shoulders, framing her new delicate features. She had on a gorgeous floral pattern, calf length, off the shoulder bridesmaid style dress and matching lilac satin pumps that Dana had worn for a family friend's wedding a few months ago, along with sheer, glossy white tights and, even though no one could see it, her sister's matching satin lilac lingerie set underneath. A little lipstick glossed her lips, her eyes were tastefully lined with black eyeliner, a hint of lilac eye shadow graced her upper lids and glittery mascara thickened her lashes.

Trinity stood up and rushed over to Ellie, her eyes glistening with tears of joy, and embraced her tightly. "Oh my dear, sweet girl," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion, "you are absolutely breathtaking, even prettier than your mother was." She then turned to Steve and Brenda, her expression filled with love and pride. "You have raised an extraordinary person," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I could not be more grateful for this moment, for the chance to meet her, to love her, and to be her mentor, a part of guiding her life."

Brenda sat back, taking in the scene before her, her heart swelling with happiness and pride. She had never imagined that when this time came it could have possibly been more incredible than her own transformation had been, yet it was.

"This is all so amazing," Brenda said, her voice catching in her throat. "I'm so glad you're here, Trinity. And you,'re're absolutely perfect." She paused, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know it's going to be a lot for you to adjust to, but I promise you, we're all here for you. We love you, and will be here to guide you every step of the way."

Trinity nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Ellie," she said, taking a deep breath to steady her voice. "I want you to know that even though this is my destiny, my only reason for existing, and I don't have a choice not to, even though all that's true, I absolutely want nothing more than to be your guide, your confidante, your best friend, and godmother. I'm ready to dedicate the rest of my life to you, helping you navigate this new life, this new body, and all the challenges that will come with it. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Ellie was feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. She had always known that she was different, but never imagined that the truth would be as fantastical as this. She couldn't wait to see what the future had in store, what her aunt would teach her, and was already looking forward to the day she would be on the other side, where her mom was now, gazing in awe at her own newly transformed daughter.

Steve and Dana exchanged glances, a mixture of emotions playing across their faces. Dana wondered what Steve was thinking at that moment, having not only just lost his son to a world of femininity, groomed to become some guy's wife, soulmate, lover and give birth to his own children, but also just learning that his wife had been born a boy and lived as one until he reached puberty, when the magical mirror involuntarily transformed that boy into the woman he eventually fell in love with and married.

Steve, on the other hand, wondered why his wife hadn't trusted him enough to reveil her true life story to him before now and hadn't thought to prepare him for the loss of his son that she had always known was coming. He also, deep within a secret recess of his mind, felt a slight twinge of jealousy toward both his wife and new daughter, Ellie.

Steve had his own secret thoughts and feelings he had long since repressed, never revealing to anyone that from the time he hit puberty, up until the day he met Brenda, the most infinity amazing woman to ever grace the planet, he had often wished magic was real and that he himself could have woken up one morning to find himself transformed into a beautiful teenage girl. At that moment a thought occurred to him and he briefly wondered if it could have been the mirror magic that influenced his own thoughts and feelings way back then, preparing him to be able to accept the current situation and potentially life-shattering revelations about his wife and son.

Trinity, seeing the mixed emotions playing across Steve's face, reached over to the couch, and gently took his hand in hers. "Steve, you're going to be the best father Ellie could ever hope for, I just know it," she confidently and lovingly told him, her voice soft and reassuring. "I know it's going to be hard at first, but my dad got through this and you will too. We're all in this together."

The End

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