The Meadow - ch 3

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Hailey wandered among the petals for what seemed like hours, taking in the colors and scents, and listening to the gentle breeze rustle the leaves. She sat down on a large rock, watching a butterfly flutter from flower to flower, its wings a dazzling display of iridescent blues and greens. She watched in pure wonder as a trail of sparks flowed behind the butterfly, floating down, each one coming to rest on a new bud which instantly burst into a full, beautiful bloom the moment a spark melted into it.

Hailey thought back on her life as Denzel, and how much she had enjoyed playing video games and collecting action figures. But there was something else, something deeper, that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She remembered feeling envious of her friends who were girls, and how they seemed to have so many more options and opportunities. She remembered wishing she could just be like them, if only for a little while, realizing that maybe Lily was right.

She stood up from the rock, brushing the grass and petals from her dress, and began to wander deeper into the meadow. The flowers became taller and more vibrant, their colors mingling together in a kaleidoscope of beauty. She passed by other girls and young adult women, each with their own unique stories and experiences, and yet she felt a sense of kinship with them all. They smiled at her and nodded in understanding, as if they could see right through her and understand the struggle she was going through, which wasn't much different from their own.

As she walked, she began to notice a particular scent in the air, one that was both sweet and alluring, like a mixture of honey, jasmine, and lemon verbena. It seemed to be coming from a particular part of the meadow, where the flowers were even more abundant and fragrant than anywhere else. She followed her nose, curious to see where it would lead her, and soon found herself at the edge of a small lake, the water as blue and clear as the sky above.

A young woman was sitting on a flat rock at the water's edge, her long blonde hair flowing down her back. She was wearing a simple white dress that billowed in the breeze, and she seemed to be lost in thought. Hailey hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should approach her, but the woman looked up and smiled at her, inviting her to sit down.

"Hello, I'm Elise," she said softly. "I've been watching you wander around the meadow. You seem lost, do you need help trying to find your way?"

Hailey nodded, feeling a lump forming in her throat. "Yeah, I guess I am lost. I'm not sure what kind of girl I want to be or if I just want to go back to being a boy. I miss my family and my video games, but Lily says I was unhappy there and can't go ba...." Her voice trailed off as she fought back tears.

Elise reached out and took Hailey's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "There's no right or wrong answer," she said gently. "You don't have to choose right now. You can stay here as long as you like, well a long time, maybe, and explore all the possibilities. Take your time and let this world show you who you really are."

They sat in silence for a while, watching the butterflies dance across the surface of the lake, their wings casting kaleidoscopic shadows on the water.

"I used to be an 18 year old guy named Aiden," Elise continued, breaking the silence. "I was always into sports and cars, and I had lots of friends who were guys. But deep down, I always felt like there was something missing. I tried to ignore it, but it never went away. One day, a couple female friends were helping me get dressed for a fundraiser they had talked me into participating in. It was a beauty pageant for guys, a womanless pagent, to raise money for kids with cancer. The last thing I remember was trying to walk in heels and losing my balance in front of a mirror. I ended up here and met Lily. She showed me this world, and I realized that there was so much more out there for me. I could be whoever I wanted to be."

Hailey listened intently to Elise's story, nodding along as she related to it. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of life Aiden had led before he came to this place.

Elise took a deep breath and continued, "I've just made my decision sitting here. I was contemplating if this was truly it, when you walked up. I've decided  to return as a quiet, shy,  conservative girl that wants nothing more than to be an ultra-traditional wife and mother. Not because I think it's what Lily wants me to do, or what anyone else expects of me, but because it's what I truly want. I want to fall in love and have a family of my own, have many babies, take care of my husband, wear pretty dresses for him, take care of all his needs, wants, and desires, and feel confident in my own skin."

She paused for a moment, looking out across the lake. "You see, Hailey, this place gives us the opportunity to discover exactly who we want to be. We can be anyone we want, we can try on different roles, different personalities. It's a chance to find ourselves, to discover what truly makes us happy. And sometimes, that happiness comes from surprising places. You don't have to decide right now. Take your time, explore, and let this world show you who you really are."

Hailey listened intently to Elise's words, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. She realized that she hadn't been truly happy in a long time, not since she was little boy Denzel, playing dolls and dress up with Greta, the girl that used to live next door. Maybe Elise was right, maybe she could find herself here. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, allowing the warm sunlight to wash over her face.

As she sat lost in thought, her fingers playing with the long cornrow braids that now covered her head and swayed gently in the breeze, brushing against both sides of her face. She began to notice the subtle changes taking place within her. She found herself drawn to the colorful unique flowers that grew along the banks of the lake, their delicate petals, unlike anything she'd ever seen before, swaying gently in the breeze. She picked one and carefully tucked it behind her ear, feeling a sense of peace and belonging she hadn't experienced in years.

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