it's time ch4

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When Roger awoke to find himself lying on the floor, the sun that had been illuminating the attic before from the dormer window's on the west side was gone and now only the warm orangish light from a single 60w incandescent bulb overhead remained. The feeling that immediately washed over him was extreme disappointment.

Wow, that was the most intense, most realistic dream I've ever had. Roger reasoned with himself, trying to get his bearings while feeling like he'd had just awaken from the best sleep he'd ever experienced.

Too bad that wasn't real, cause that would have been awesome.

Roger sighed as he sat up. He looked around, realizing he really was in the attic. On the floor next to him was the dressmaker's dummy and an overturned box that has spilled its contents, several worn pairs of shoes; platform sandals, clogs, wedges, gogo boots and other shoes that all looked like what women wore in the 1960's and 70's. It was then that he realized the mirror was in front of him.  It wasn't glowing, but as he stood up in front of it, he saw his reflection really was the girl version of himself. He immediately looked down and confirmed that the breasts were really there and his transformation was real; definitely not a dream.

As he continued to gaze at himself in the mirror, the world around him seemed to fade away. All that mattered was the reflection staring back at him. He was now free, free from the shackles of his miserable former life. He was now free of the disappointments, the heartaches, and the expectations that came with it, and free to make this life whatever he wanted it to be.  But with this newfound freedom and happiness came a new sense of responsibility. Somehow he instinctively knew that he had to use this new life wisely, to make the most of the opportunity the mirror had just given him.

Roger looked around one last time. He picked up the book and held it tight against his breasts as he stood still, holding his breath, listening for any sound coming from below. Finally, satisfied that there probably wasn't anyone else home he carefully opened the door, quietly decended the ladder, and quickly returned to his bedroom. A wave of self-awareness wash over him as he shut the bedroom door behind him. His heart raced as he wondered how his family would react to his new appearance. Did this magic mirror also change them so they didn’t have memories of his former life? Did it change his entire past to align with his new present? He certainly hoped that when he came face-to-face with his family they called him by a girl's name and treated him like he'd always been this person.

Roger looked around his room, and felt a new fear grip him. He saw that nothing in there had changed. Everything in his room, to include the clothes on the floor, the shoes strewned about, the Call of Duty themed sheets on the bed, the boxer briefs hanging off the back of the gamer chair in front of a computer desk with a skimply clothed kpop girl group walpaper plastered across a 48" superwide computer monitor and the posters on the wall, were all exactly the same as before.

His heart sunk. His past wasn't magically changed to match his current reality.

Roger began to quiver. He couldnt stop shaking as he placed the book on his bed. His mind raced, filled with chaotic thoughts swirrled around in his head, colliding with one another as he trying to figure out what he was going to do and how he was going to explain this to his family. What were they going to think? How were they going to react?

At that moment, Roger was acuty aware that his bedroom door had just opened and he spun around to came face to face with his sister, who was now standing in the doorway, staring at him, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

"W-who are you and why are you in my brother's room?" She asked. "Where's Roger?"

Roger felt his heart race as he tried to find the words to respond. He looked down at his new body, still adjusting to the sensation of having breasts and the feeling of an absence between his legs, then back up at his sister.

"Answer me," she demanded in a louder voice, while moving towards him.

Roger carefully lowered his hands to his sides, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. He took a deep breath and forced himself to speak. Exhaling, he  steeled himself for what was about to come.

"Sis, I-uh, I-I'm Roger," he said with a tremble, hearing his new higher-pitched, soft, melodious, feminine voice for the first time.

This new voice sounded nothing like his old voice at all. "But I'm... I'm not a boy anymore." He added as he placed his hands on his hips and tried to stand proudly, hoping that she would understand.

His sister's eyes narrowed in questioning disbelief. "What are you talking about? You're not my brother! You can't just change like that."

Roger pointed to the gamer chair as he backed up and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Sit down." He suggested to his bewildered, confused, upset sister.

Roger realized his feet weren't touching the floor like they would have been normally. He flexed his foot, pointing his toes and found he could barely feel the floor with his toes if he stretched.

Looking at his sister again as she took a seat and quickly tossed the pair of underwear on the chair, across the room while trying to barely touch them, Roger placed his hands under his thighs on either side and began to speak.

Dreams, Secrets, and Transformations: Beyond the Enchanted Looking GlassWhere stories live. Discover now