Chapter Three

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I packed the food I had prepared for grandmother in her favorite container and placed it on the kitchen counter. I checked the time and it read 11:23. I picked up the container to leave for school but then I hesitated as I thought of him. Did he remember to pack his lunch today?

Knowing him, he must have forgotten and it would be impossible for Granny to share her food with him today. Without a second thought, I dropped the plastic bag that had granny’s lunch and turned back on the gas stove. I prepared a simple meal and by the time it was 12pm, I was locking up the house and began the short stroll to the school.

I lived with my grandmother in Mangochi. She was the headmaster at the school and she’d been here for a long time. I was told she had taught in primary school at our neighboring village before she had upgraded her studies and began teaching at this secondary school years ago. She and my late grandfather had met here in Mangochi as well. He was a doctor and theirs was a love story I was told countless times as I grew up. Grandfather was loving and caring. My Grandma and I, adored him too much which made his passing really hard to endure.

I was all Grandma had and her sickness made it hard for me to live away from her. I made a huge emotional decision about 10 years ago that was painful but necessary and every time I saw my grandmother's smile, I knew it was worth it.

“Good afternoon, Miss Chunda” Mr. Saidi greeted as we crossed paths on the school ground; he was a Physics teacher.

“Afternoon, Sir.” I said and continued on my journey.

Doors began opening and students were let out for lunch break. I waved at several teachers and students as I approached the headmaster’s office. There was no one on the secretary desk so I made a beeline to her office and knocked twice before pushing the door open.

“Of course, come in.” Grandma smiled and I rolled my eyes. I was already inside yet she still said ‘come in' each time I came in without her acknowledgement. I told myself that since it was lunch time, I could come in anytime but during working hours, I waited outside obediently until she responded to my knocks.

“How is your day progressing, Granny?” I asked as I began shifting some items on her desk so that I could make room for the food I had brought.

“Same as always, dear. Did Imran bring the local chickens today?” Grandma asked as she reached out her hands to the basin and I poured the bottled water on her to wash up.

“No, he didn’t come all morning. Perhaps he will show up this afternoon.” I handed Grandma a plate and she began dishing out the food on it. I watched her eat the first few spoons before remembering I had food to deliver.

“I have to find Ishmael; I brought him some lunch.” I said to Grandma who paused eating and gave me a certain look I couldn’t decipher. “What?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. You go do that, sweetheart. No need to come back here for the plates, I will bring them in the evening.” She said and continued eating so I got up and left after blowing her a kiss.

Ishmael was an English teacher and he taught Forms 3 and 4. I knew his schedule well so instead of going to the staff room, I went to the Form 4 A class. His class must have ended at lunch and since he always took his time leaving, he was likely to still be there.

“….liked today’s lesson, Sir. But I think I need help with yesterday’s lesson.” A girl who was standing in front of his desk said.

Ishmael was still sorting his things so he paid little to no mind at the girl. I cleared my throat to make my presence known in the almost empty room. Ishmael looked up at me and smiled.

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