Chapter Eleven

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I sighed as I broke off the uneven joint I had made and took the F7 that was causing the problem to sort it out. I turned on the grinder and began grinding off the part I had marked unnecessary until it reached the desired length. I went back to the work and rearranged the pieces. I used the measuring tape to be certain of the length before I slid down my helmet and touched the joints with the torch. Satisfied with the touches, I took out the measuring tape once again and confirmed the length was still intact.

Sounds of the workshop’s gate opening, made me look up and I saw Dan entering the premises with a bucket of water which he had to fetch since we had run out of water. It was early afternoon and we had just eaten lunch about an hour ago.

“Sir, there is someone looking for you outside.” Dan said and I nodded.

“I want you to weld all the touched joints and smooth out the joints with the grinder. Remember, a bad weld always causes trouble and if you won’t weld well, the weld will break off when you are using the grinder plus; don’t grind too much on welded joints.” I instructed as I unclasped the helmet from my head and handed it to Dan.
With an agreement from Dan, I dusted myself as I made my way to see the person looking for me outside.

I thought about the possibility of the person looking for me to be Ellen. Our date last Saturday had gone surprisingly well. We weren't perfect yet but I had a feeling we were getting there. Luckily enough, Ellen was not persistent in my affairs which I found helpful otherwise it would be hard to keep two things apart.

I was dropped off at the shop after our date so Ellen knew the location of it now. I was expecting her either today or tomorrow.

“Jerome, what a surprise.” I greeted the man that was leaning on his BMW as he tinkered with his phone. He looked up at me with a smile and I tried to copy him but I couldn’t pull it off for long.

Jerome was our pastor’s nephew and he was really blessed as he possessed a lot of wealth that I lost track of counting. He had been a good friend as we grew up but we lost our connection as we both went to different universities. He even went further as he studied abroad. He was a doctor now with his own clinic plus his love of business added a lot to his wealth.

“Hey, George, thought I could stop by for a few minutes to check if you could be of help.” Jerome said as he pocketed his phone and faced me.

“That’s okay, you can stop anytime. What is the problem?”

Jerome opened his backseat car doors and then pulled out a metal box. He gave it to me and I frowned as I studying the box.

“What is this for?” I asked.

“Those were donated to the church last Sunday for the sound system. I need you to make some adjustments to fit the system used at church. I made some pointers on it that you can follow but I will also be here to help out.” Jerome explained and I nodded.

“Is it just this one?” I asked as I studied the box some more.

“I have three more in the back.” Jerome said as he went back to the car and collected the three of which we carried two of each as we entered the workshop.

I found a spot to work on so as to not disturb Dan with his welding but also a perfect spot to check on his progress. So far, it seemed I had gotten myself a bright student who picked up on things easily unlike other apprentices I’ve had. My phone rang and I answered it with a smile when I saw who was calling.

“Hello Elle….how have you been?...Oh really?...I'd love to see you too tonight but I’ll be busy at home so it will be hard…It doesn’t matter, you know that….okay, I will see what I will do…..yes….okay, bye.” I sighed as I ended the call. I dismissed myself to collect a tool box in the workshop's office so that I could start working on the boxes.

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