Chapter Six

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"Can I just tell her I'm sick and we should postpone?"

"Like that would work well for you." Dylan shook his head and received the cup of coffee from Paul.

I sighed helplessly dreading how my afternoon would unfold. I wasn't looking forward to this afternoon and it was really stressful that I missed work this morning. Paul went back to the kitchen to finish preparing breakfast while I lied on their couch leaking misery.

"I really don't get you." Dylan began and I turned in his direction. "Sara is such a lovely girl and I bet her parents are even lovelier."

I scoffed. "You haven't met her father yet. I'm telling you; the guy is terrifying.   The one time him and I crossed paths, I could feel his eyes shooting me dead where I stood."

"That's good then. You have already met so it won't be that awkward." Paul said carrying two bowls which he gave me one and Dylan the other.

"I told you I don't like this." Dylan complained and I laughed shaking my head in amusement.

"I swear you put a child to shame when it comes to crying before you finally eat your porridge." I teased and then the remote was thrown my way in retaliation.

"I don't feel sorry for you if you get chewed out during lunch at your soon to be in-laws." Dylan smirked.

I sighed and decided to eat the porridge in silence. Sara was my girlfriend and now fiance as we planned to get married later this year. It was only March and we had about 7 months away before our big day. I had already met some of Sara's relatives but never officially met her parents. They were in the US for some years and now they were back prior to our wedding arrangements.

By the time Paul calls us for breakfast at the dining table; I had been lost in my head once again about a million times these past few days.

"What's the big deal about meeting your girls's parents? Isn't that supposed to be joyful?" Paul asked as he poured orange juice in his glass.

"Ignorance is bliss." Dylan stated which resulted in a kick under the table.

"I'm sorry." Paul said to me and I could see the confusion in his eyes.

"No need, Paul. Dylan is just being an ass lately." I said with a smile and took a bite of the fried eggs in my plate.

"African parents have different views from those in the US." Dylan began explaining to Paul who has only spent half a year in Malawi after living in Miami all his life. He met Dylan there when he went for school and later on followed him to Africa. They had spent six months in South Africa before they came to Malawi five months ago. That was why he wasn't familiar with what it meant to meet your girlfriend's parents and ask for her hand in marriage.

"So when I'm there, it will be like I'm going for an interview. They have to like me so that they can give us their blessings. I'm sure they've already collected other information about me but still more we have to meet and talk face to face." I vaguely explained to Paul who nodded in understanding.

"The things people do for love." Dylan dramatically sighed and Paul rolled his eyes.

"When it's your turn, I pray you get rejected." I curse my grinning friend.

"Quite the opposite; I'm lovable."

"As if." I scoffed and ignored my friend as I ate silently until I was through.

"I'll take a bath then we can leave together." Dylan said while getting up and I nodded as I took out my phone.

There were five missed calls from my girlfriend which alarmed me as I quickly gave her a call back.

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