Chapter Eight

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I panicked a bit before pulling off the main road and parking beside it at a safe distance. I switched off the car and got out to check what I suspected was a flat tyre. I sighed as I looked at my worst nightmare as an indeed flat tyre stared at me defiantly. I checked my wrist watch and saw I had an hour to spare but not enough to keep me calm.

I opened the driver's door and grabbed my iPhone. I hurriedly went through my contacts and called my friend. I was sure he would be of help and he's always around here anyway on a day like this.

"Sam, are you at Mbowe?" I asked as soon as he answered my call.

"What? Why are you asking?"

"I'm around at Chitukuko alongside the road. I have a flat tyre and I really need your help." I crossed my fingers and held my breath but alas, his words shattered my hope in a million pieces.

"Not today, Sheila. I have an odd job up at Mponela and I'm currently driving there now."

"Seriously? What a bad luck." I sighed.

"You can just stand by the road, as cute as you are, then just a single wave. Problem solved." Sam chuckled and I groaned.

"Do you know how old I am? How can you call a big girl like me cute? It creeps me out."

"You will always be cute in my eyes. The age can go to hell for all I care. We are growing up, so what? You are always taking it too seriously on them digits." Sam scolded and I just rolled my eyes as I contemplated his idea. "Just do what I say and you will have them knights in shining armor coming  for your rescue."

"Alright." I ended the call with the promise to let him know once I got helped then I looked at the passing cars as they drove passed by.

"Here goes nothing." I braved myself as I was about to do something I've never done before. Just as I raised my hand to wave, a hot pink............. slow down and stopped in front of my car. I raised a brow when I looked at my supposed knight in shining armor. She looked dashing and to be honest, I was a little taken aback as she approached me.

"Hi; is there a problem with your car?" She asked and I nodded before replying.

"Yes, a flat tyre."

"Oh, okay. I have some tools in my car if that is what you are looking for?" The lady gestured at her car and I smiled sheepishly.

She was wearing one of my favorite colors as I admired the sky blue blouse she had on. Her outfit was on point and I wondered where she was headed.

"I'm Sheila." I held out my hand to her and as I waited for her to hold mine in greeting, I said, "I also have tools but the real problem is my inability to fix the tyre myself. I wouldn't ask you to do that for me though."

She chuckled as we shook hands. "I'm Ellen and I really can't help you out. Not that I'm afraid of dirtying my clothes but because we have a common incapability."

"Thank you for stopping by, Ellen."I said with a smile.

"I couldn't pass by a damsel in distress." She winked and I groaned.

"Not you too." I shook my head as I thought of Sam. "There is no knight in shining armor and I'm no damsel."

Just as I said that, a dark brown Toyota hilux stopped behind my car and we both shifted our poses to see who had graced us with their presence. A familiar young handsome man got out of the car and approached my car. He didn't say anything and it's like I was glued on spot as I watched him open the back of my car. He took down a few items before kneeling down and placed the tool that made the car rise up which I had completely lost the name to as I was in a trance to not even care what it is actually called.

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