Chapter Four

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"Tape." I said while reaching my hand out to Dan, the intern at my shop, and he placed the said measuring tape in my outstretched hand. I took it and measured the window once again to confirm the measurements. I then placed the tape in my worksuit pocket before reaching out to the electrode holder. I made two touches before taking out the tape to measure once again.

"Filler rod." Dan quickly gave me one at my command and I took it and positioned it in a right way before proceeding to weld.

The day had started dull but luckily a friend called me in to fill one of his jobs in sector 4. It was a maintenance job and I had to maintain windows of four houses that were in one fence. Maintenance was a gamble as sometimes it was easy but sometimes it was hard as hell. I was on the second house and so far it wasn't trouble yet.

I removed the helmet covering my head as Dan took the electrode holder and placed it down safely. I didn't fancy a helmet when working but today was a necessity. Maintaining meant you somehow must weld at higher angles and a helmet was safer in such situations.

"Remove the cutting disk and place the other." I ordered as I took out my phone to check the time. It was an hour before lunch and if the other houses were this easy then we'd be done before 4pm. I found four missed calls from a friend, Praise, and since I had a bit of time I pressed call.

"Hello," Praise answered.

"What's up, man? I somehow missed your calls." I said as I watched Dan failing to remove the cutting disk on the grinder.

"I called to ask if you know that there is an opportunity of getting a loan at A.P.A bank. It's specifically for small business owners or even start-ups." Praise explained and I frowned.

I had no idea about this opportunity and I wasn't sure about the requirements of the loan. Praise was a very good friend of mine and he knew that I had plans on finding money for my business. I had to trust that he was calling knowing I had a chance of getting it.

"What are they looking for?" I asked as I knelt down to help Dan.

"A business certificate which you already procured and to have an account at A.P.A. Look; the loan has a 10 percent interest rate and you start paying back after a year. You can get up to 2 million which in my opinion is enough for you."

"Okay; I will check it out tomorrow." I agreed.

"The earlier the better. You should go today, George."

"I'm on a job. I will do that first thing in the morning tomorrow." I said and after a few short words, the call ended.

"I've said this a couple of times. When unsrewing place the grinder between your legs and do this. After putting on the other disk you also fasten it like this. Leaving it loose is dangerous because as it spins it might get off and cause injury." I explained to Dan as well as demonstrate.

After everything was in order, we went back to work one window after another until we finished all the houses. It was around 6pm when we clocked off due to the difficulties net in the last house. It was a relief to conclude and I reported to my friend as soon as I was done.

I gave Dan MK5,000 as an allowance since we worked out of the workshop and we parted ways at Nsungwi as I boarded a bus to stop by my shop first before going home.

“I am sorry, Sir. That offer had a deadline and you missed it. It was yesterday, unfortunately.” The teller I met for the loan explained and my heart jammed in my chest.

It was only yesterday that I had learned about the loan offer the A.P.A bank was giving especially to small business owners with benefits and interests that fitted that category. The offer had called to me and if I had not been working yesterday, I would have been here. Now all my hopes were being stomped on by the words the Teller had just explained to me.

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