Chapter Nine

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I rushed to the bathroom where I turned and posed on the full length mirror just to make sure I looked presentable. I was running late but that didn't mean I should look my worst on the first date with George. I had on a red pencil skirt that was passing a bit over my knees. I wasn't a fan of short skirts so I minded what I wore and bought all the time. Going with the red skirt was a sky-blue blouse that showed off my shoulders but didn't flash my cleavage to the world. It was tucked in perfectly in my skirt and I turned sideways to view how my hips looked. I paired off my outfit with black shoes and finishing it was a red handbag with a wrist-watch on my wrist. I sighed in content when I loved how I looked.

Leaving the house, I drove to where I was meeting George. I was to pick him up at Crossroads Hotel then we were to have lunch at Sana Food Court. I hummed along to the soft slow music that was playing along in my car. It was an instrumental song which I loved listening to when I knew the lyrics to a certain song. I didn't like singing along with the owner of the song but on an instrumental, it was just right.

I slowed down when I reached the depot of Crossroads and looked around for George. When I didn't see him, I took out my phone to call him and that's when there was a gentle knock on my window. I looked up and smiled at George who was also smiling at me. I gestured for him to get in and he did.

"Sorry I am late because I stopped by along the way to help a certain lady. She had a flat tyre and I thought I would help but ended up not helping at all." I apologized rushly.

"Chill, Elle." George chuckled but then frowned. "Why did you not help then?"

"Because we both don't know how to change tyres. " I laughed as I thought back to the lady called Sheila. I left her as she was helped and I knew she will be on her way soon. Too bad I rushed over here and forgot to ask for her contact number.

"How have you been?" George asked while buckling himself up and I chuckled.

"George, we've been talking all morning." I rolled my eyes and got back on the road.

"Yes but that was on phone. Sometimes it's easy to just say 'I'm fine' when typing." He said seriously and I shook my head in amusement.

"I've been fine, George, how have you been?"

"I'm fine too." He said it with a sigh so I glanced at him briefly before looking at the road again.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing." He mumbled and I didn't say anything making the car turn to silence. I glanced at him secretly and watched as he fidgeted with his hands a little. It was a telltale sign that something was bothering him. Perhaps he wasn't comfortable with going out with me. I sighed heavily as we pulled up to Sana's parking lot.

"Look, George." I paused as I focused on finding a good spot and parked. I turned in George's direction and raised a brow. "If you don't want to do this then you can just say it. I'm sorry I didn't....I mean I just....shit-"

"Hey, relax." George chuckled and reached for my hand. "I'm here aren't I?"

"Well, yes you are but-"

"Relax, Elle." George mumbled and butterflies fluttered in my belly. That nickname brought forth a lot of good memories. "I just don't think we should be here for our first meeting. I mean, there is going to be a lot of talking and being in a crowded place....."

"I get you." I smiled. "Then what about I get our food then you can suggest a place where we can go and talk."

"I will go get our food and you sit right here." George said as he unbuckled his seat belt and with a wink, he got out of the car.

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