Chapter Twelve

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Loud knocks roused me from my sleep. I reached for my phone that was also ringing and answered it absentmindedly.

“Sis, it's me at the door.”

I groaned in annoyance but proceeded to get up from the bed. I switched on the bedroom lights as I dragged my feet to the front door. I switched on the living room lights and began unlocking the door. I had installed several locks for safety so it took me quiet a bit to open since I was also clumsy at it due to sleep.

When I unlocked all locks, I opened the door and one look at my big sis chased off all the residue sleep that had remained in my eyes. I gasped as she limped past me and went straight to my bathroom. By the time I finished putting the locks back on, the shower was running and I walked to the closed bathroom door.

“Sis, do you need some help?” I asked with a sigh.

“Not this time; I'm good. Just get me something to wear and sleep in.” She replied.

I went to my bedroom and began looking for a night dress she could wear. When I got one, I went to the bathroom and knocked. She didn’t open for a while but I heard some movements since the shower was off.  She opened the door wide enough to fit her hand that she reached out to get the dress. I dropped it in her hand and went back to my room. A minute later she joined me in the room and got on the bed with me.

“What happened this time?” I asked angrily without looking at her.

“It was nothing. I’m tired and I want to sleep, please.” My sister, Becca, which was short of Rebecca, said.

I closed my eyes and tears fell down my face. My heart hurt so much that I wanted to scream in pain but I sobbed silently. Becca sighed and pulled me in her arms. She began cooing lovingly for me to calm down but it was hard.

“Why don’t you just leave him?” I sobbed.

“You know I can’t do that, sis. He loves me-"

“That shouldn’t matter when your life is what's at stake here. How can you say he loves you when he beats you black and blue most of the times? What kind of love is that?” I pushed her off me and glared at her.

She glared back at me fiercely,  “Our love is tough but you don’t understand a thing after all these years. I will never leave my husband, so deal with it. Goodnight.”

Becca turned her back on me and pulled the duvet over her bruised body. I shook my head and turned my back on her as well. Despite her act of indifference, I cared a lot about her. She was my big sister and I looked up to her. Last time I had to take her to the hospital because she was bleeding a lot. What would happen if she failed to make her way to me one night? She would die alone out there and I would just hear it as news. She-

“Angie, please. I'm sorry, okay. Please stop crying.”

Becca reached out to me and held me in her arms. I cried myself to sleep and when I woke up in the morning, the delicious smell of chips greeted my nose sweetly. I stretched myself and the feeling was great. I picked up my phone and checked the time which read 06:32. I opened up a card game to play the daily challenge. It didn’t take me long and after I won, I got off the bed to check on my sis.

“…fought this skimpy ugly lady that kept making passes at my husband. I called her out on it and she had the nerve to talk back to me. So I jumped on her and showed her just what happens to dogs in heat that comes sniffing at my husband. Sam dragged me out of there and when we got home our argument got heated and this happened.” Becca explained and I frowned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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