Chapter Ten

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It was Monday and I was driving to the office. Nothing much had happened during the weekend as I spent most of it relaxing alone at home. Apparently, Sarah was occupied at her parents home that she couldn't find time to see me. We mostly texted each other and I refrained from calling to not further disturb her.

I parked my car on my reserved spot and carried my laptop bag inside. Luckily, Mondays were not intimidating as the other days of the week. Mondays were when I could interview young men and women, who had no education background but only had the skills for a job, for a chance of being employed.

I had to assess such people carefully hence I did the interviews myself. Only a few promising individuals were given the chance to undergo practicals and once that was done, I would offer them a job fairly despite them not possessing any education documents.

The reason why my friends and I created our company was to make a fortune and also help as many people as we could. We had so many programs laid out and they all meant a lot to us and the people we reached out to.

"Good morning, Sir."

"Morning." I replied to all the greetings I got as I entered our office building. Our offices were on the third floor and there were about four companies in the building. I passed my secretary with a nod as I entered my office and she quickly followed behind.

"Good morning, Sir. Tea or coffee?" Mrs Gama, my secretary asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine, don't bother with that." I said while unloading my laptop and other charges from my bag. I plugged them in and made sure my laptop was charging before I gave her my attention.

"Sir, we have nine people waiting for the interviews. When you are ready I'll start sending them in one by one." Mrs. Gama explained while she handed me nine profiles of the people.

"Who is the first one?" I asked and Mrs. Gama showed me.

I looked at the profile and it caught my eye so I told Mrs. Gama to call in the first person and when he came in, I looked him up and down. On his profile, it mentioned that he had skills for hair dressing. The first thing I looked at was how a person dressed and how they carried themselves. There's no way that a person wants to be a chef but being unkempt. It was a signal of how dirty such a chef could be.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Collins Moyo, Sir."

"How old are you, Collins?"

"I'm twenty-two years old, Sir."

I nodded slowly as I once again looked at his profile. "It says here that you are a hair dresser?"

"I am and I've been for the past eight years. I only became serious about it in 2018 after writing msce." Collins explained and I frowned as I looked over the profile incase I missed that detail.

"It says here that you do not possess msce." I said and Collins nodded.

"I could only sit for the exams, twice, and the result was beyond help so I stopped and focused on hair dressing instead."

"Alright, Collins. I'm sure you know who we are to come here. How do you think I might help you?" I pinned my gaze on him.

It all depended on the skills of a person. Not everyone could do business and be independent, so for those, it was a job opportunity. It was different for Collins because if capable, he could start his own business and we would be a part of the shares. That is how we've come to own many businesses. There were processes for each business and we made sure the people had more shares than us. Being a part of the business helped in making sure it was a success and we succeeded in many.

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