Chapter two

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The night we met

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The night we met

BRADEN THORNFIELD WAS UTTERLY UNCOMFORTABLE IN A DRESS SUITE. Don't get him wrong- he knew he looked good- not to turn his own horn- as good as it could get for him. But at the same time the way his tie seemed a little too tight made him want to choke himself out of his misery.

His father only made it much worse as he hurried him up- making Braden hold in a deep death stare. Braden's stomach growls from hunger as the teenager hurried up, he hadn't eaten anything all day- trying to save his appetite for his dinner at the hargreeves residence.

Braden Thornfield would never admit it to anyone out loud but he had a weird relationship with food. Growing up Braden had been called fat and chucky by other kids he went to school with and even by the own media.

It didn't help with his mental health in the slightest. At the young age of 12 years old Braden began to slowly obsessive over his diet, eating only when necessary to him and began to exercise on the regular. It truly irritated him when his schedule was broken- if he didn't get to exercise he'd feel guilty for eating at all.

Braden knew it wasn't healthy but he also made no move to get himself help. For it seemed other people needed it more than he did, he also manged to feel guilty about the life style he had. He felt guilty for getting the things others couldn't, guilty about the privilege life style he possessed.

It didn't take long before Braden's appearance changed quite dramatically at the age of fourteen years old. He only remembers because of the stupid news article talking about it in the media. He remembers how he was describe to the public civilization as a 'new and improved grown up'.

'Nice toned body'

'Nice piercing hazel eyes'

'lost his baby fat'

'great smile that matches his sharp jawline and cheekbones'

'and he grow taller too.'

Braden remembered putting the news paper down and looking down at his body, he remembers cringing because it made him uncomfortable how they could just talk about his body so freely. Like he wasn't human, just some emotionless robot.

Braden snapps out of his dissertation as soon as he hears his father's voice, "Braden! We're leaving now!"

Braden looked himself over once more at the mirror before making his way out of his room, he tried not thinking about his appearance as he joins his father towards the car.

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