Chapter seven

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I'm human too

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I'm human too

ISOLATION AND SPACE WAS A MUST ANYTIME BRADEN THORNFIELD GOT ANGRY. Deep down Braden had so much anger build up, so much he was surprised he hadn't snapped yet.

Was running away from his problems and hiding his emotions somewhat childish? Yes, yes it was. But Braden always justified it as the one 'child' like thing he got to do.

It was already getting dark when he had left the shelter claiming he was going to look for supplies but really the boy just needed an excuse to be alone. Braden bitterly laughed out loud to himself- being alone- being alone was the last thing he wanted a week ago but look at him now. Being childish and filled with anger.

He knew it wasn't right to take it out on Five, so he chose to leave and cool off instead. He's always handled his emotions alone, never letting anyone see him for him. The only person who's come close to seeing him for him was his dead best friend Stevie.

At a young age Braden's father had taught him that showing emotion was for the weak. 'To be vulnerable is to be defenseless' is what his father always told him. And for a long time Braden believed him, he believed a lot of things his father used to tell him.

But Braden was more grown and mature now, he knew it was okay to show how you feel, it was okay to not be okay. But the small voice of his father will always haunt Braden, always telling him he wasn't enough, always telling him wasn't perfect enough, always telling him he was behind, always telling him he was getting fatter, always telling him to hurry up, always telling him to be a better son.

And in that moment Braden let the anger take over his whole being as he continued walking, so much anger directed at his father, his mother and the whole world for putting so much pressure on him only to be destroyed two decades later.

And the more anger consumed him- the more time past Braden by like a fly.

By the time he cooled off and was no longer filled with angry but filled with a deep sense of emptiness Braden had realized he had been gone the entire night and morning hours were arising.


He didn't know how Five would react to that, would it even have effected him? Braden wasn't sure but he still dreaded making his way back to the shelter.

When he did make it back he took a moment to himself before entering their living space, his chest filling with uncertainty as he looked around. His hazel eyes landed on Five, whom sat on the beach chair with his face against his hands. Braden stood their- unmoving- for he didn't know what to do- before his features turned into a small frown when he noticed Five shaking slightly in his position.

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