Chapter nine

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Who's Alex?

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Who's Alex?


*Braden's dream*

"Who are you?" Dream Braden asked, looking at the young women sitting in the bathtub.

The girl with ocean eyes and green colored hair smirked at him, "I'm you- old man." Suddenly the girl transformed herself into a replica of Braden making the older man step back as his back hit the door.

His hazel eyes met his own hazel eyes, "How did you do that?" He demanded not really sounding threatening because he knew he was dreaming.

Fake Braden morfed back to the young women. She rolled her eyes at him with a light chuckle, "Same way you could manipulate energy and time. I'm Alex by the way."


She gave him a apologetic look, "Sorry, I forgot old people have hearing problems. I said- I'M ALEX!" She screamed the last bit to him making Braden cover his ears immediately.

Braden glared at her, "I'm 35 years old not drying." Braden looked around him, he was in a bathroom with a young woman?, "-why I'm I dreaming about this?" He asked himself more than the girl but she still responded.

"I don't know man. Maybe I'm not even here at all and your just hallucinating." With a smirk across her face, Alex slowly started to disappear before she was fully gone.

Braden frowned, "Alex?...  Alex!?"

*End of dream*


"den? Braden? Braden wake up."

Braden yelped when he landed on hard concrete, he groaned painfully as the sleepless left his body entirely. He pushed himself up and turned to look at a glaring Five, Braden innocently grinned at his love, "M'kay well isn't that just the most romantic way to be woken up."

Five ignored his sarcasm, "Who's Alex?"

"Oh I don't know maybe it's the news paper lady that comes to our doorstep every morning or did you forget we're in the fucking apocalypse-" Braden cut himself off when Five roughly got out of bed and grabbed him by his collar, pushing Braden back on the bed as Five straddled him, "I'm only going to ask one more time before you piss me off. Who's Alex?"

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