Chapter eleven

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You get wild, I get wild

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You get wild, I get wild

THE WEEK LONG MISSION GIVEN BY THE COMMISSION WAS OVER JUST AS FAST AS IT STARTED. Braden and Alex found themselves back at the entrance headquarters just in time for the 'surprise' that the handler had for them.

They barely had time to settle in before they were being ugently called by their custom made watches that alerted them every time the handler was in need of assistance, Braden and Alex were the only employees that owed such a 'prize'.

Braden slightly scrowed himself for forgetting to put on his blazer, his tie and white dress shirt fitting him well but he still felt subconscious, his inner insecurities telling him that he was too exposed. Too him.

The thought quickly left his head as soon as he saw Alex standing by the Handlers door. The woman in question still wore her own suit, except without the blazer, her white shirt no longer tucked in and her tie practically not tied anymore, she also wore baggy shorts now instead of their assigned dress trousers.

Braden simple nodded his head at her before looking at the door, his body tensing without even realizing it. "What do think the surprise is?"

Alex sighed deeply and shrugged, "Not sure, everything I want is already next to me." Alex side eyed him with a growing teasing smile on her face, her blue eyes glued to Braden as she winked at him when the man turned his head to her.

This time Braden frowned at her to stop himself from smiling in assument, he shook his head and turned back to the door, raising his hand, he knocked three times.

1, 2, 3.

"Come in!"

Braden and Alex shared a brief look before Braden opened the door, they were both greated by the Handler and an older man standing across from her.

Upon arrival the Handler sharpy turned her focus on them, she wore a lemon lime green dress with a pair of heels adding tree inches to her height, her makeup had not a single smudge as she wore a bold green lipstick color.

Braden's hazel eyes roamed over to the older man for just a moment. He looked about Braden's age or younger, wearing a commission guideline uniform suit, he looked clean, like he had just showered and shaved. Upon meeting the man's green eyes- Braden couldn't help the deep shift within his heart, a deep sense of deja vu eating at him as he felt a familiar tuge towards the man.

The man in question stared at Braden as if he's seen a ghost, as if Braden were some kind of new discovered creature waiting to be tested on. Braden aborted his gaze back to the Handler, ignoring the sensation throughout his entire body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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