Chapter three

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Aren't you a genius?

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Aren't you a genius?



Braden cursed out loud, his frustration easily catching up to him this time around. He was in his Lab, trying but failing miserably to start up his time-travel machine.

His pet tortoise gave him a slow look, her name was shelly and Branden has had her sense he was six years old. The tortoise often looked at him like he was stupid- which Braden didn't blame her for- he often felt stupid when he couldn't get the most simple things right.

And right now he was trying to turn on his time-travel machine, in order for him to test it. It was working quite well the day prior but now it was like it did a whole 360 on him.

He kept Shelly away from harms way and he knew she was smart enough to keep still, she would usually silently observe him and judge. And Braden would allow himself to be petty enough to stick his tongue out at her every once in a while, mumbling to himself about how he knew what he was doing.

He groaned in frustration once again when the lever of the time-travel machine wouldn't budge. He shook his arm off before trying again.

He grunted slightly as the lever started moving under his weight, he stopped as soon as it pulled all the way through. He scoffed out a laugh in relief. Looking at Shelly he shrugged with fake smugness, "See? I told you I knew what I was doing."

She blinked slow at him. Braden stuck his tongue out at her, again.

Forgetting his feud with his pet, Braden grabbed the tablet device for his time-travel machine.

He grabbed his backpack full of supplies and essentials before stepping on to the platform of his time-travel machine, he looked around his whole Lab before looking at Shelly. "Wish me luck Shelly. If this works... then I should only be gone for a couple of seconds." He took in a deep breath in and out before calibrating the numbers on his device.

He braced himself as his machine started to make a loud noise. His feet slowly coming off the platform as he floated, a loud crack sounded over his ears before everything turned dark.

His feet landed roughly on hard ground, making him stumble for a moment. He was quick to look around, noticing he no longer was in his Lab but in fact in a alleyway.

If he was right, he should be a month ahead of his time. If.

The sixteen year old boy was quick to walk down the alleyway and look around the street. He immediately recognize where he was- which was good- but he needed to know when was he, where was he was only a bonus to know.

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