School Struggles

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School's so draining, tired every day,
why are we forced to go anyways.
Sitting through class eight hours a day,
counting down the seconds,
for when I can get away.
It's exhausting, cause honestly,
what am I learning.
At this point, I only go for the friends,
because the work just never ends.
Pressure from all around, teachers, parents,
from every point it's found.
Parents wake up, school is draining,
it's so stressing.
So many things we're forced to learn,
but when are we gonna use it in the real world?
School tries to control the way we dress,
tries to control the way we act,
leave us be, we're about to crack!
At this point you'd notice teachers don't care anymore,
so what are we learning furthermore.
I'm tired, I just want it done,
and most people don't get it,
but those who do are usually gone.

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