Always The Gifter, Never The Receiver

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I remember the joy of seeing a gift,
unwrapping it,
and wondering what it is.
Though it's been so long for me,
I've forgotten the feeling,
of receiving.
It feels like I'm left behind in the thought of giving,
while everyone else around me keeps on receiving.
I watch as they open,
full of joy from their gifts,
as I stand in the shadow,
wondering what it's like to be in the mix.
I'm the gifter,
not the receiver.
I'm told "sorry" but I laugh it off,
saying "I didn't expect any at all",
not revealing how I truly feel in my thoughts.
I only crave a simple card or a bracelet,
nothing big or expensive.
I don't want you to waste your money on me,
I just wish you'd thought of me.
I'll still keep showering those who I care for with gifts,
and I'll take all the time in my day,
to make them handmade.
Because I don't have any money,
but I have time to make sure you were thought about,
and deserve to be happy.

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