From Loved To Lost

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Did I change, for the better or for the worse,
cause now I'm not sure.
I used to be treated so nice,
so well cared for, and so loved,
now I'm always shoved.
I used to give so many hugs,
used to smile around everyone,
look at me now, what can I say,
it's like I'm always away.
Shoved to a corner, don't speak they say,
"you're so annoying!" was said every day.
No more nice, I'll get tough,
at the same time it hurts so much.
Don't touch me, get away,
no one likes me anyway.
Lost some friends, but the true ones stay,
though with family there's not much to say.
Constantly talk behind my back,
think I don't hear it,
though with every word there's a crack.
Constantly repeated in my mind every day, "you're worthless, get away!"
Not wanted anywhere, not wanted here,
fearing someday, I'll be thrown out of here.
No abuse physically, but so much mentally.

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