chapter 1: part 3.5

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Ripper woke up and was soaking, it took him a few moments to notice that blue was cuddled up to him with beta, his movement woke them up and blue stared into his eyes, she then growled and with a roll of her eyes got off him and ran off, probably to go hunting. So that left ripper and beta, beta had not developed her sense of danger yet as she was only a fledgling, beta stumbled forward and bit ripper on his wrist and nibbled him, he huffed and yanked his hand back and so beta tried to crawl up on his back by grabbing his quills, rippers annoyance of beta was rising. She clamped onto the back of his neck and nipped him then began whining loudly for food most likely. Ripper lowered his head and made her slip off him but she just climbed back up his back until he gave up, ripper realized that he was on babysitting duty and that was the payment of sleeping in blues nest. ripper shook beta off for the upteenth time until blue got back with a fox for beta who immediately sprang from the nest and tried to choke it down her throat, blue huffed and prevented beta from choking while slicing the fox up into bits. Ripper rose from the nest and went off to find himself a meal, he wandered and wandered and wandered until he saw a cabin, ripper Immediately got down Into the bushes as three oddly similar humans walked out and into the forest, ripper watched them go and didn't move for a few long moment until making his way to the cabin casually busting a window while making the least amount of noise possible for a one ton hybrid; surprisingly quiet by the way. he looked around the pace; the cabin was well made for winter and summer weather signified by the coats and insulation, not that ripper knew was "insulation" was. He opened a closet that had some human words on it "pantry" he looked in the closet and saw all kinds of food and another human word he could barely decipher.
(Ripper isn't speaking in English by the way)

Ripper: "ho....hon....hone?....honey~?...yeah probably honey~ hoooney~ interesting~"

He ripped the cap off, ah thumbs so useful and took a lick and he melted at the divine task.

Ripper: "gahdamn~"

He tried some more and then saw multiple bottles that were shaped like little creatures, he scooped the honey bottles into his arm and jumped out a different window, why he did this was unknown as wouldn't it be easier to jump through the window he already broke? Well either way...ripper made his way back to blue, she was watching beta get herself dirty in the mud when ripper came through the trees with six bottles of honey, blue stared at him.

Blue: "what in the hell-....where did you....?"

Ripper walked up to her and dumped the bottles at her feet, she stared down at them.

Blue: "what the fuck is this?"

Ripper: "honey~!"

Blue: "ew, don't call me that"

Ripper: "no look~" *hold up bottle* "honey~"

Blue took the bottle in her claws and stared, sure enough "honey".

Blue: "and what am I supposed to do with this?"

Ripper took the bottle and popped the cap and held it up to her mouth.

Ripper: "taste~"

blue was hesitant but she tasted the honey with her tongue and had the same melting reaction as ripper, blue didn't actively express how good it was but it was clear she wanted more as ripper held the bottle away from her, beta was curious and came over. Blue snatched the bottle from ripper and tasted more until she noticed beta whining, blue bent her head down and beta licked some from her mother's face and mouth and seemed to enjoy the honey as well, ripper stared at blue who had some on her face but didn't notice, ripper then licked blues lips covering her teeth and licking the honey off blues face. Blues expression was blank and ripper thought he saw blush as she jerked her head away and used a wet ground leaf to wipe her face off, blue scooped up beta and walked back to the nest, she still had that odd tinge to her face that ripper of course didn't know what "blush" was but it had to mean something good by the way blue was reacting. Ripper joined her in the nest and and laid down as blue and beta shared the honey with one another.

769 words in story part.

Any suggestions for pt 5
Better catch up.

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