chapter 1: pt 4

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???1: "have you found them?"

???2: "yes..."

???1: "good...very good...send a tac team, quick and quiet..."

???2: "yes sir..."

???1: "oh and killing...."

*A few hours later...

Ripper was laying on a rock while rain gently hit the water of a small pond next to him, fish were moving just under the surface hoping for some bugs to hit the water because of the rain, ripper watched a grasshopper try to fly only to get smacked by a water droplet and devoured by a fat juicy bluegill, ripper saw a snack opportunity and waited for the bluegill to resurface as he threw another caught grasshopper into the water. The bluegill surfaced and snatched the bug only to be caught in rippers teeth, he was about to devour the fish whole when blue and beta came beside him and blue was obviously looking for an easy meal as she eyed other fat bluegill, ripper was again interrupted by beta who whined for the fish in rippers mouth. Ripper stared at her then devoured the fish, beta whined and was about to cry when he coughed up half of the bluegill in crushed up meat mush and dropped it for beta who was happy and yanked of pieces of chewed fish meat. Blue did take notice of this as she snatched the bluegill she was looking for and chewed it to pieces and eating the slivers. Ripper caught himself another and swallowed the fish whole, he yawned and stretched as blue age the last bits of fish and beta finished her bits, they made their way back kind of like a family though blue was still trying not look at ripper too much. Ripper was just minding his own business rather bored, he separated from them and went off to do his own thing.

Time: a few hours later

Blue noticed that ripper hadn't returned yet, and it's been hours. She wasn't concerned though, never would she be concerned, blue got out of the nest and was going to find him when she was hit in the neck with a powerful dart that was laced with carfentanyl but what struck her was that it was an arrow not a trans bullet, blues last sight was beta being stuck into a cloth bag.

Time: many hours later...

Blue woke up in a cage, she noticed a bag that was struggling and immediately launched forward to tear beta out of the bag. Beta clamped onto her mother's leg and was shaking with fright, blue saw ripper who was awake and looking non-to-happy, he was in a different cage and they were both inside of a large tanker ship, both of them could tell by the way the cages slid on the chains they were connected to. ripper was glaring at the cage that he was in as it moved and slammed into the side of the boat, he snarled and then the door opened.

???3: "dammit, I told them to tighten the chains!"

The human female moved over and pulled a lever that tightened the chains down so the cages stopped rattling.

Ashley: "sorry about that...oh my God, I'm talking to dinosaurs *face plants* stupid Ashley"

Ashley suddenly pulled out a packet of jerky and walked up to beta who was curious and then snapped the jerky that Ashley offered, blue looked at the jerky she was also being offered and hesitantly took it. Ashley then walked over to ripper while being careful and gave him two pieces for his size, ripper growled at her but ate the jerky. Ashley walked away while checking the time.

Ashley: "half an hour until were there" *shuts door*

*Few hours later

The human moved the sleeping raptors and hybrid to a pen. Ripper woke up and immediately got out of the cage, blue had woken before him and was bathing beta in a small little pool.

Blue: "your awake I see..."

She pushed betas head below the water then pulled her back up, beta coughed and sputtered and chirped at her mother at angrily.

Blue: "don't you talk to me like that missy"

Beta whined for her mother to get her out of the water, blue brought beta over to a makeshift nest and laid down on the nestling. Ripper walked over and ripped out some leafs from a low-hanging palm tree to make himself a bed, blue watched for a reason she didn't exactly know herself.

Blue: "God your so fuc-....your so clumsy" *eye-roll*

She pounced up and made the bed for him while he watched, when she was done she pushed past ripper and laid down on beta again, ripper laid in his bed padding and quickly fell asleep. Blue waited until he was fully asleep before laying her head down to rest.

808 words in story

Be prepared to part 5 maybe, I'm running out of ideas.

Ripper X Blue: new originsWhere stories live. Discover now