Chapter 12- Sir bit my neck

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When Zendayah was about to leave the mansion her body started to feel a mild pain. It's a symptoms that she always experienced during the daylight before the full moon. That's why she drank her new invented potent pain killers but she collapsed after drinking it. It's only effective for Javier because he's an elf after all but she never tested it with humans that's why she caught off guard. When she woke up it's already night and the moon is about to turn into full moon and she started to feel the episode of her curse.

It's very painful that even pain killers can't help her much that's why she went in the labolatory to get more painkiller herbs but she can't stand the pain and barely awake . She brought out the dagger to cut herself so that she could let the poison out of her body but she collapsed before she could do something. She's been doing this method every full moon for two years now and that's why she had scars left on her pulse. She discovered this method when she tried to put an end on her pain yet instead of dying she learned that releasing blood every full moon can help her to lessen the pain.


I sober up a little when I smelled a familliar scent around me and it was professor. He's holding both of my hand and it's hurts. My vision is blurry that I could barely recognized him but I knew his scent well so I can recognize him even I'll get blind.

My pain is strangely calming down a little. It's not as painful as it used to be even though I can see the full moom outside. Is this because of Sir's smell?

"Why? Just why did you do that?" professor suddenly asked so I looked at him.


Who are you?! A sharp fangs, red eyes and a horn...but his scent are the same with Sir..

"Akkkk!!" it hurts again! I can't help but to cry in silence cause It hurts a lot. I need to draw the poison out of me now but he's holding my both hands! He might thought that I'm doing something stupid but there's no way I'll do that.

"Sir...It's not like that...I need to detox my blood so I could live so please let me go hic hic hic" I explained with my cracked voice but his cold eyes stared at me. Who is this? He smells like Sir but he looks like a devil in the fantasy book!

"Blood..I want blood" he said and pushes me down on the bed. Akkk!!! It hurts! But what is this? He's on my top and staring at me!

"S-sir is that you... right? " I asked but he smirk? Oh god! I got a shiver down my spine goodness he's scarier than the Imoogi and the drake...

"Kiyaaahhh!!! Sir sober up!" I yelled while trying to scape from him but he's very strong and he might break my arms if I keep moving.

H-he started sniffing my neck even licked me.. Sir won't do something like this so I'm sure that the person in front of me now is not him.

"Give me some blood" he wisphered on my ears and an strange sensation spread in my body. I'm getting hot and I'm litteraly confortable with the heat coming from his body...

The smell is getting strong and makes me feels like intoxicated. Huhuhu I don't know anymore!!

" Sir! You can't eat me huhuhu you said you hate raw foods!!!!" I said while trying to get myself out of his grip but he's so strong.

"Why?" he wisphered again and it's tickling my ear. His hot breath causing a weird feeling in my body... Oh god what's this?

"Sir my blood had a fatal poison -kiyaa!!"

He's sucking my neck already but the fangs is not piercing my skin yet. It tickles and hurts at the same time...what does he wants?! Sir I'll be mad later when you sober up huhuh.

"Didn't I told you, poison won't work at me?" he said and looked at me...ow he's back?...maybe not? But he remember so it means he' sober right?

"Hmm are you back?" I asked and he smile.

"Blood, all I want is blood. Give me some Zed" he wisphered again. Why does it seems like I'm talking to a demanding kid?

"You will not kill me as long as I'll give you blood right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course" He smirk like a bad boy but why does he's staring at me like this?

I need to drew my blood out of my body while Sir needs to drink blood so...I think I should just give him a little maybe he'll sober up after drinking. But the strange thing is.. He could have just force me if he really want to but he's asking my permission although he's out of his mind... Yeah he's still my considerate Professor after all.

"Then go ahead but don't suck my blood dry- ouch!" he really bit me!! It hurts but bearable compared to the pain I've gone through.. this is nothing.

He let go of my hands but his right hand placed on my lowerback and the other one is on my thight? Huh?

"Sir w-wait...hngh!"

He's sucking my neck gently and I can even feel his tongue on my skin. He's hands are hot that made me felt weird. Now that I noticed, he's not wearing shirt. Okay... But why do I feel so offended- ow he's literally on top of me and I can't breath vause he's heavy.

"Sir're so heavy- ouch!!" in just a blink of an eye I'm suddenly sitting on his lap while he's still sucking my neck.

"Tasty" he said and pulled my waist closer to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder trying to push him a little to give me some space but he didn't flinced at all.

The moonlight shines from the window and lightened up my dark room. Wow, his silver hair is gorgeous like the moon. His red eyes are not scary anymore-


Oh gosh... I wanna dig a hole and hide myself forever. It's embarrassing!

Last time I said I want a man with red eyes and silver hair... I thought Sir only had green eyes but I never thought he could also changed into red... with a silver hair at that! I felt so embarrassed and I can't help but covered my face with my hands. Sir might be laughing at me inside when I told him my prefferences. It's like I proposed to him without even realizing it huhuhu.

"Zed, what's wrong? Does it hurts?" He asked while licking the bloods leaking out of my neck- the blood leaks down in my chest and he also licked it..

"I'm fine ...hnghh" It tickles. Why it feels weird?! His tongue in my cleavage is..

"Ahh ..hngh Sir .. are you sober now?" I asked but he just ignored me and sucked my neck again.


I'm getting sleepy so I closed my eyes to rest a little. It strange, the curse doesn't hurt anymore. I think it's gone when he started to drink my blood. I'm so sleepy ... I think I'm gonna pass out now...

"Rest well, Zed" he said but I can't open my eyes anymore.


When Zedayah fell asleep, Javier still drinking her blood. He's drinking gently because he doesn't want to hurt her since he aware how weak she is.

He's not sober at all but due to his natural personality, he realy cares about her, whether he's normal or not. He's monster instint are usually wild that always went on rampage if he doesn't satisfied with his meal but it's different story when he's with Zedayah, his spliting senses are restraining himself at his very best but he can barely stopped his beastly instint which wanting to do more.

And after satisfying himself he put her down on the bed and he also sleep next to her.

To be continued...

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