Chapter One

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ten years ago


His ears rang, and everything was blurred except for her figure falling to the ground. Everything happened in slow motion. He couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. Everything was muffled, the gunshot drowned out in the midst of the unyielding static in his head.

But he could hear the dull thud her body made when it hit the floor.When Nico finally unfroze, and returned to his senses, he shot out from his hiding place among the toys and dashed to her side. 

Small hands gripped Bianca's shoulders and shook, "Bee..." 

A swell of terror. 

An expanding pool of crimson. 

"Bee..." Nico choked back a sob, ""

But she remained unresponsive, staring up at the ceiling. 

Something was missing in her dark eyes. 

Her warmth, her kindness, her hope. 


All diminished within the span of a gunshot. 

"I'm always here Nico."
"I'll always be here to catch you."
"Don't worry Nico, I'm here." 

 All taken away...
... because of a chunk of metal no bigger than a candy. 

Finally, Nico could not hold it in, he broke down. His tears fell on Bianca's cheek, losing their rosy hue fast. He bent over and pressed his forehead to hers, the way she'd always done when he was crying. 

But this time, she did not take the initiative, he did. She did not hug him, but he took her into his palms. She did not comfort him, he did. It was all he could do. He... could've done more...

He should've stopped the men. 

 He could've stopped them from firing. 

 He could've protected his sister... 

 Sister... Oh my god... 


Nico frantically turned his tear stained face. His little sister was nowhere in sight."Hazel?" he whispered, barely audible, then his voice built up in a scream, "HAZEL!" 

A fresh wave of terror hit him and drowned him."HAZEL, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

His voice rang across the unfortunate toy store, but received no response. Nico jumped to his feet and frantically ran around, searching for a trace of Hazel. But his efforts were in vain.

They... they probably took her... 

He was... He... He let them take her. 

Realization hit Nico like a stone.His legs went weak and he collapsed, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks, still chubby and rosy. 

His big sister was dead. Her corpse lay within arms reach. 

His little sister was gone. Without a trace. 

He let her die. He should've stopped it. 

He let her be taken away. 

He didn't even realize it until it was too late. 

He failed them.


Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades and Maria Di Angelo, elder sister of Nico Di Angelo and Hazel Di Angelo, died at the hands of worthless low-lives. Mere robbers. 

She did not deserve it. 

Hazel Di Angelo, formally named Hazel Levesque, adopted in the family at the age of two, loved and treated like a biological family member, was taken. To where? No one knew. 

She did not deserve it either. 

Nico Di Angelo, still a mere seven-year-old, could not have done anything.

But in his eyes... he had failed them. 

The police conducted many futile searches in the hopes of finding Hazel Di Angelo. In the end, they returned with empty hands. The case was closed after a few years spent in vain. 

So Nico Di Angelo took it upon himself to find her. His big sister was gone, she was not returning, even young Nico understood that. But his younger sister was still out there... somewhere... waiting for him. 

He will find her. 

He won't fail her again.

Word count: 613

A/N: This was inspired by the_sunniest_angels. many thanks for their idea which i am mercilessly stealing! Hope ya'll enjoy.

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