Chapter Five: And By The Villain, No Less

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Will was screaming profanities in his head as he swung a fist at the said villain, who gracefully dodged and continued his strut down the dark hallway as if nothing happened. 

Sunshot was a hero, he did not encourage violence, he tried to be civil with Ghost king, he tried to talk to him, to get him to stop.

But he won't listen. 

So, what choice did Will have, instead of throwing a blow? 

Will jumped in front of Ghost king, intercepting him.

Ghost king tilted his head back slightly, his expression annoyed. Okay, yes, Will couldn't see his expression because his entire face was covered. (He even had a hood on! He technically didn't even need it, considering his mask covered the entirety of his face!)

But, he had had so many unpleasant run ins with this person, now Will knew that when he tilted his head back like that, like he's gazing at you down his nose, it meant he's annoyed.

Will's fingers sparked with sunlight, glowing and churning.

Ghost king seemed unimpressed. 

Jeez, it was hard to break this guy. It seemed like nothing interested him, safe for breaking into other people's houses and that nothing, absolutely nothing, intimidated him. 

Ghostie sighed, his voice, as it filtered through the mask, was slightly obscured, but it was clear enough for Will to make out the words "What exactly, is your problem?" 

Will's eye twitched. "My problem? MY PROBLEM? What's YOUR problem?!"

Of course Ghostie has the perfect reply: "You're standing in my way, that's what."

Will's sparking fingers curled into fists. He normally did not get angry, he prided himself on that, but today had been a bad day. One, he was sleepy. Two, he still had a hell load of homework to do. Three, he had failed miserably in trying to get the new hot kid to sit with him and his friends at lunch.

If he wasn't in a bad mood earlier, he definitely was now. Ghost king was not helping in the slightest.

Will swung another punch at Ghostie, his fingers melding with rays of sunlight.

The Ghost king swiftly avoided his blow, ducking underneath Will's arm and rebeginning his snooping, leaving Will blinking at the empty spot previously occupied by the other. He even had the nerve to whistle!

That irritated Will even more because... 

Oh my god, I can't believe I'm admitting this—


* Whispers * He couldn't whistle. 


Will sprang at Ghost king's back with a shout.

Ghostie twisted around, grabbing Will's arm and twisting it behind his back, he clicked his tongue, and said, his voice low, his breath tickling Will's ear and making the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, "If you're going to attack someone behind their back, know to do it quietly."

Then he let him go, opening a door in the hallway into a study. As he strode in, steps holding a certain power and grace, he threw over his shoulder, his voice teasing, "And it's such a nasty thing to do! Where's your sense of honor, Sunshot?"

Sense of honor? SENSE OF HONOR?


Will gritted his teeth and this time, quietly tackled Ghost king, who had been a little too invested in rummaging the papers on the big oak table.

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