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A/N: hello peeps! I promise the next actual ex-nemesis chap will be out soon, I'm busy these days (hardly have any free time) so have fun reading the rest of the earlier NOT RELEVANT chap till I finish the actual chapter.

Zander gave his brother the cold shoulder throughout the next morning. Zephyr had tried to break the ice with a stiff 'good morning' but Zander had shrugged him off rather pointedly. Their little brother looked back and forth at them, clearly feeling the tense air. Zane had scrambled to make conversation, desperately trying to include the two of them, it normally worked, because both of them held a mutual soft spot for the little prick.

But it didn't work this time.

Zephyr had only bid good bye to Zane, not even sparing a glance Zander's way when they split up at town. Zane and Zander heading towards school while Zephyr spurred his horse in the opposite direction, towards Edwind's to get his assignment for the day.

One would think after what happened last night, Zander would return home early today.

No way.

If anything, he was gonna stay out an extra hour or two.

So stay out he did, he drank to his heart's content. It was more because of the desire to taunt Zephyr than his desire to feel the mind numbing liquid slipping down his throat.

His brother despised alcohol for some unknown reason.

All the more reason for Zander to consume it.

He expected Zephyr to come searching for him once more, but he didn't.

Zander had no idea how long it was before he stumbled his way home. His brain was not cooperating, the lantern in his hand hung limply, not doing an exceptional job at lightning his way. Thankfully, he could put his muddled brain to rest because his legs seemed to know which way home was... and he didn't run face first into trees.

The woods loomed on either side of him, normally he would be hyper aware of his surroundings, cautious of any danger lurking in the shadows. Tonight however, his mind was clouded, his senses were numbed, his limbs barely worked.

He failed to notice the gleaming yellow eyes gazing intently at him through the treeline.

He failed to notice the rustling of bushing and the snapping of twigs.

He failed to notice the heavy footsteps.

He only realized that something was BEHIND him when the said thing exhaled loudly, sending a stream of burning hot air down his back.

Zander turned just in time to avoid the snapping, slavering fangs, his reflexes saving him at the last possible moment.

The beast advanced, growling hungrily, looming over him.

Now, Zander was a well built, big guy, but he felt impossibly small next to the gigantic beast.

He dodged the next few attacks, but failed to see the beast's long tail curling around.

He was sent flying. In his drunk state, he couldn't break the fall properly like he was taught. He hit his head rather hard. Dark sports dancing in his vision, and it was all he could do to remain awake.

The alcohol certainly wasn't helping.

The beast bore down on his fallen form, jaws inches away from Zander's face.

Huh, this was it, wasn't it?

He was about to die in the most undignified way imaginable, unable to defend himself because he was too DRUNK.

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