Chapter Three: The New Kid

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The morning was beautiful. The raw rays of sunshine filtered through the curtains, and fell on the lump on the bed, covered by a bright yellow blanket. A head of blonde curls stuck out of the wrong end of the bed, while a tan foot rested on the pillow.

Then suddenly... 


 Will Solace nearly jumped out of his skin. His crazy alarm continued to screech. Honestly, that thing was the literal embodiment of a banshee.

He considered smashing it, or sending it flying out of the window, perhaps? But thoughts of sweet revenge fled his mind as he noticed the time. 

 Oh... crap. 

 He... must've hit the snooze button at least five times.

Conclusion: he was late.

He jumped out of bed, and dashed to the bathroom. He cleaned himself up, and got dressed in a pair of cargo shorts and yellow hoodie. He loved yellow! He even had a pair of flippers shaped like yellow ducklings—okay... ahem... forget he said that... He most certainly does not own such childish stuff.

Stuffing his books into his bag, he ran down the staircase, all while hopping on one foot as he tried to put on his second shoe. Then he scampered to the kitchen, where his parents were sitting at the kitchen table, enjoying pancakes, watching the news, which once again displayed the chase he had with Ghost king last night.

That's right! Will Solace was Sunshot!

Pssst! Keep it a secret okay? His parents didn't know! Pinky promise you won't tell!

"That Ghost king," his mother, Naomi started, eyeing Will with amusement as he started wolfing down a few pancakes, "confuses me."

Apollo nodded in agreement.

"What do you mean, mom?" Will questioned between mouthfuls. 

Naomi shrugged; his father answered for her: "What your mom means, Will, is that he might not be a villain."

Will nearly choked. "What? Of course he is!"

Naomi raised an eyebrow at her son. "And what makes you say that?"

"Well, he breaks into other people's houses! For all we know, Mom, he could be heading here next!"

Apollo grunted, "But there have been no reports about him actually causing any harm right?"

"So what, Dad? You think he's some guy just going out for night strolls?" Will inquired. Okay, maybe he was being a little snippy, but he was sleepy; Ghost king always tired him out. But his parents were unintentionally questioning the purpose of Will's life!

Of course the Ghost king is a bad guy! He's a VILLAIN! For god's sake!

Apollo turned up his palms in the universal gesture of 'I come in peace.' "Geez, Will! You're grumpy today! Didn't sleep well?"

Will, as if on cue, yawned. "Sorry dad, 'm a little sleepy."

Apollo chuckled languidly as Will downed his glass of orange juice in one go and got up. The next thing he knew, he was out of the door, throwing a loud goodbye over his shoulder at his parents, blonde curls bouncing with every step.

He barely made it to school, getting through the gate just as the bell rang.

"Yo, Will!" a familiar voice called.

Will turned around and saw his friends, Lou Ellen and Cecil, fighting their way through the sea of students trying to avoid being late for their classes. Will waved at them and walked over.

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