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A/N: Hehehey my lovely readers! Enjoy the chapter!

Nico swore as he gazed, wide-eyed, at the sight before him.

Next to him, his cursing seemed to break Sunshot out of his shock, "Where the heck did you even learn to curse like that?"

"My cousin." (A/N: guess which cousin and I'll give u a shout-out in the next chapter)

Will sounded impressed as he oohed.

But they both had much-pressing matters at hand.

Like the mini army Paragon had brought to fight them.

Hazel stood before them proudly, spread out behind her was a group of men dressed from head to toe in black combat gear, brandishing various weapons.

Hazel raised her hand and made a gesture.

"Hazel-" Nico opened his mouth, to say what? He had no clue. But he needed to say SOMETHING. Anything...

But Hazel's minions surged forth like a tidal wave (.A/N: "Respect! Power! – BANANANAAAAAA!" Gettit?? Minions? Banana? *looks around frantically * anyone?)

Nico and Will worked like a well-oiled machine. Assisting each other, throwing a punch here, a kick there. Unspoken suggestions and commands hovered over them. They knew what the other was thinking and knew how to act accordingly.

They took down one man after the other, soon finding themselves back to back, fighting off anyone stupid enough to charge at them. Their powers crisscrossed and intertwined, creating a magnificent display of darkness and light.

It wasn't long before they had everyone floored.

Hazel looked around, gritting her teeth in anger and bellowed, "NO NO NO!"

Panting, Nico smiled under his mask, they were getting stronger by the day.

Nico glanced to the side at Will, looking absolutely glorious in his Sunshot outfit—

*Blink blink* wait... glorious? Will?

Nico? What are you thinking?

He was broken rather rudely out of his thoughts as Will shouted, "Ghostie! Look out!"

Nico looked over and bent back just in time to avoid a roundhouse kick from one of the black-clad men.

Huh.... Guess we missed one.


They appeared out of the shadows on a building a little away from the place where the fight had taken place. Nico staggered. Will caught his arm and steadied him, giving him a moment to catch his breath.

"You good?" Will asked, concern shining in his blue eyes.

Nico's eyes may or may not have lingered on them a moment longer than necessary. He nodded distractedly, "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

Get your head in the game, Nico!

"Why'd you shadow travel us here? Instead of going home?" Will inquired, still looking concerned.

Nico pried himself out of Will's grasp, "Well, this isn't working out, clearly, this... fighting... so I thought, maybe we could follow Hazel and see where she goes? Maybe we might find something useful that might help us bring her back?"

Will blinked at him, processing, then nodded slowly, "That's... that's actually a good idea."

Nico nodded along, "It just came to me. I mean, she has to go SOMEWHERE after the fights, right? I have no idea why I didn't think of that before!"


(A/N: Oh darlings it's not your fault. It was only that, the author didn't think of that before heheh, my bad)

They ducked behind a chimney (chimneys hated Nico, yes, but there were rare times in which they were helpful) and observed as Hazel cursed and spat bloody murder at her henchmen, who cowered before her in fear, bruised and banged up.

"Idiots!" she screamed, "There were only two of them! TWO!"

Then she huffed, flipping her busy hair over her shoulder, golden eyes smoldering as she glared at them for one last time before turning around and jumping off the rooftop to the neighboring building.

'C'mon," Nico whispered, grabbing Will's hand and tugging him along.

The splash of red that appeared on the hero's cheeks went completely unnoticed.

They followed Hazel and her minions from the distance, lurking silently in the shadows. Nico wrapped the shadows more densely around Will, as he was dressed in blinding gold and white, standing out in the darkness like a sore thumb.

"Ugh, why do you insist on wearing such obnoxious colours, Solace?" Nico grumbled as he pulled Will along.

"Hey!" Will said indignantly, but his voice cut through the silent night, making Hazel stop in her tracks. She raised a hand, signaling her henchmen to stop too.

Nico, in one swift motion, dragged Will behind another chimney, a gloved hand shielding the said hero's mouth.

They listened, with bated breath.

Hazel let out a small, "huh," before turning around once more and continuing on her way.

Both Ghost king and Sunshot heaved a sigh of relief. Then Nico wacked Will gently on the back of the head, "idiota." (Italian for idiot)

Will glanced at him quizzically, but didn't get to respond as Nico started peered from around the brick structure, ignoring him. Hazel had started moving again.

It felt like forever when she finally stopped. She looked around, her gold eyes inspecting the perimeter to make sure no one saw her, he lackeys stood behind her quietly, some supporting others.

She climbed down the fire escape and rapped the dark window of a run-down looking... apartment, probably. Her knuckles tapped against the pane at a rhythm, leaving measured beats between each hit.

A code.

Then she waited. And so did Nico and Will, remaining as silent as the shadows they were cloaked in.

Then suddenly, the window slipped open.

"I'm back," Hazel stated softly, "Mother."

Word count: 900


What do u think? Sorry, this is a little short than normal but we are finally nearing SOME kind of climax! FINALLY!!!!

Pls comment! 

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