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When Will woke up, his head was throbbing lightly, but not enough to hinder him.

What had happened?

Slowly, memories came flooding back.

He had been chasing Ghost king, when someone interrupted.

It had been a girl, what was her name now.... Ah yes! Paragon!

She had wanted to team up, but her intentions were too... vicious? Yeah.

And did the Ghost king claim to be her brother, and did she say her brother was dead?

All he could retain were some murky excuses of memories that didn't really piece the whole picture together. Either he was missing a few memories from when he had hit his head, or there was something bigger going on.

And speaking of Ghostie...

As Will's senses slowly returned, he realized he was in some kind of old warehouse. Then, he became aware that he was lying on top of something soft. Something that suddenly shifted a bit and Will nearly had a cardiac arrest.

He may or may not have let out a very unmanly, very un-superhero-y squeak, but that was for him to know and for all you readers to wonder for eternity.

(A/N: * moving to cover up the Will-shaped hole in the fourth wall* nothing to see here.... WILLIAM!!!!)

But if he DID, which he most certainly did not, he had a very valid reason.

He had been using a SUPERVILLAIN for a PILLOW.

Ghost king himself glared up at him. "Finally up? Good, now get off of me, I can't breathe."

Will fumbled up, a little confused as to why he hadn't already been thrown across the room, but tripped over his own feet and fell back on the said villain once more. Ghostie, surprisingly, didn't roll away, he stayed put, cushioning Will's fall.

Ghost king let out a pained grunt, then hissed at him, "what the actual- what is wrong with you?!"

'Sorry—sorry!" Will scrambled away.

Ghost king was lying on his back on the dusty floor, breathing hard, and glaring daggers at him. He gasped in relief as Will's weight lifted from his chest.

Will blinked at him for a moment frowning, as Ghostie slowly pushed himself up and shifted so that he was half sitting, half lying against the wall. His movements were sluggish, every action seemed to be requiring a lot of effort.

One would think that Will would take advantage of the situation and capture Ghost king, but...

Something made him stop, even he himself was uncertain what it was though, so don't ask him.

Ghost king let out a breath once he was somewhat comfortable, then caught Will's gaze, which had been tracking his every action.

"What the heck are you staring at?" Ghostie snapped, but his voice lacked its usual vigor and bite, like his heart wasn't really in it. Now, that was weird, considering that Ghost king, Will was sure, took great pleasure in misusing his talent of roasting people.

The guy dished out roasts like throwing knives! * shivers *

Anyway, Ghost king's half heartedly snappish words jolted Will out of his thoughts. He replied, "Where's Paragon?"

Ghostie shrugged lightly. "No idea."

Wow, real helpful, please note the sarcasm.

"Where are we?"

"Abandoned warehouse."

"I can see that... but how, pray tell, did we end up here?"

"Shadow traveled."

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