Meeting of bussisness partners

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The pairs that are formed in the sky and the ones that are visible on the ground let's start our story
Lily:-sir can i come in
Ash:-You are tell me what's wrong
Lily:-Sir, you had asked me to search about Miss Misty Water Flower and get her address, so I have got it and I have also found out her college, so she must be in that college now. If you want, you can contact her principal.  You can hire her by talking to her family
Ash:-how intelligent person you are Our company needs employees like you who are so dedicated to their work and take their work very seriously. Thank you so much. You will see if our products are beneficial then after that I will definitely increase your salary and we  gonna have this big party
Lily:-Sir I will be very grateful to you
In Misty college ash reach
Mr.butch:-I go to Misty's class and tell her that Misty Water Flower the principal is calling you.

Misty:-ok professor
Dawn :-Why is Misty calling you Principal? Have you done something wrong?
Misty:-No I am not
May:-Be careful, maybe he wants to tell you something important because you are a dream girl among the most famous and perfect girls of our school.
Misty:-No it's nothing like that ok I will see you guys later
May:-take care

Misty go in principle office
Misty see her sister Daisy
Misty:-Sir I came in you called me
Principle:-Yes Misty we called you because we want to talk to you about something important

Misty:-sir have i made any mistake
Principal:-No miss water flower Actually the thing is that we have called you here because someone wanted to meet you. Meet him, this is Japan's top

businessman Mr. Ash Ketchum and he wants to talk to you about something important.

Ash:-Hello Miss Misty Water Flower, my name is Ash, I have heard a lot about you, I have also seen you on social media, you are very famous, actually I was saying that I want to make a contract with you, actually our makeup  We are in the business of products and currently we are looking for a model who is very famous on social media and can represent our products, so would you like to get ready for this because we think you are a perfect example of all these makeup.  For products, because you are a well-groomed perhaps by promoting these products, the sales of our products will also be good and your college will also be famous. So what do you say Misty

Misty look at Daisy

Misty:-Sir, I am very happy to know that such a big business sister like you thought of making such a girl the model of your products but I just

Ash:-Look, don't worry about money and we are ready to give you more money than you ask for.

Misty:-mr ash ketchum  I was just saying that I believe in natural beauty so how can I say this about makeup products and  There is no attachment to money in my life, I believe in saving money, not in flying, and there is no question of money in it, I wanted to tell you that I am a college student, If this affects my college then what will I do because I am in my third year,

Ash:-Look, you will come to the office as per your convenience when you are not studying.and we will pay for your college also

Misty:-but sir

Daisy:-Misty, don't worry, you are a college student, so what, you are absolutely right,  a big businessman have given you this opportunity in such a big businessman, you cannot lose it
and you have seen that in your own eyes your elder sisters have modeled you since childhood.  Why are you nervous? Don't worry, we will teach you everything.

Misty:-no I'dont need your help I can do it myself and you know I am more popular than you top model
Daisy:-fine mist

Principal:-Look Misty Water Flower, I think you can do this work and you will also be good at it, so don't be afraid,  and think because of you, the name of our college will also be very bright. You should definitely do this.And don't worry about your studies, if anything gets affected then I will take responsibility, extra classes will be arranged for you

Misty:-ok sir as you say but one minute Mr ash I want to talk to you in private
Ash :-alright ms Misty
In private

Misty:-I wanted to meet you for a long time, Mr Ash, I have shown you on social media, you are very famous, I have a lot of fans, I would be very happy with you, you have given me such an opportunity, thank you for that, sir I am not disappointed in you but  Sir, look I am such a girl who keeps her professional life only professional and her personal life personal. If because of this modeling career my studies or personal life gets affected, I will break this contract at that very moment. you will not say nothing?
So do you agree with this deal

Ash:-i love your spirit ok deal

Misty:-Yes sir deal

Ash:-ok Misty water flower see you tomorrow at my office please give me your number I will texted you my office address

Misty:-ok sir

Both exchange their numbers after ash going in night

Ash:-wow I have got my dream girl number and she came tomorrow in my office wow I have texted her I have been waiting for you miss Misty

Misty:-great thankyou sir for this caring nature

Ash:-hey call me ash don't be so formal

Misty:-ok mr ash and you called me Misty no miss Misty water flower

Ash:-ok Mistt well when I first time seeing you in social media I think your smile is very special and cute but suddenly I think you use filter but when I meet you in reality you are more beautiful than the photo

Misty:-a...a really thankyou ash
Ash:-hey I have an idea after photo shoot why don't we go on a restaurant

Misty:-thankyou ash tomorrow is my college and after tution and self study And then even after coming back from the photoshoot, I have to study, so sorry

Ash:-but I think you are right ok Misty see you tomorrow in my office I came to pick you bye mist
Misty:-on 5:00 pm bye Mr  ash
See you at next part bye


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