a happy marriage

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After some time, Misty comes back to Japan with Ash and also meets her sisters. Her sisters were very happy to see their niece and
Daisy:-said that she has absolutely loved you and Ash.
Lily:-No, what are you talking about, she is just as beautiful as us, even though her looks have gone to Misty, but the beauty has gone to us because Misty, you were not as beautiful in childhood as our Alison is.
Violet:-It doesn't look like anyone. Like me because Misty is also like me.
Misty:-shut up you three

My daughter looks like me and like Ash. You two don't look like anyone else to me.
Alyson:-Mom, all three of my aunts are very beautiful, I did not know that my aunts like us so much, just like you, well, my aunts are beautiful but my dad is the best dad in the world.
Ash:-Thank you, I listened, my daughter is also the world's best daughter, I remembered Misty, I have to tell this to mom also, so can we go to our house?
Ash and Misty reached at ash house
Ash:-Hey Mom, how are you? I was missing you a lot, so I came to meet you, Mom, the thing is that I want to tell you something.
Delia:-honey I also missed you a lot and what is so important that you came here from Paris and where is Serena? Wait who is she cute girl
Alyson :-i am alyson
Ash:-Mother, this is what I wanted to introduce you to. Actually the thing is that this is my and Misty's daughter.
Delia:-What do your daughter and this Misty's daughter mean? How can this be yours? Where is your daughter from? where did you get married
Ash:-Mom, the thing is that Misty had graduated a few years before us, so we did that to make her happy and then Serena and I got to know in Paris that Misty is the mother of my child.
Delia:-Really. How did you make such a big mistake? Why didn't Ash and Misty tell you then that you and they had a child?answer me
Misty:-Aunty, the thing is that I did not want to come between Ash and Serena. So I left Aish the same day because Serena told me to stay away from Aish. But then some such situations came that I had to tell the truth otherwise I would not have told the truth and I have raised my daughter myself in these four years, believe me.
Delia:-No need to give explanation with OK. I liked this cute girl so much that I thought she was my Ash's daughter and she was very beautiful. She is totally in love with you and she is totally in love with you because her face is like yours, only her hair is the color of my son. I didn't know that Ash would have such a cute daughter. Come on, leave all this now. Now tell me when will you two get married. gonna be
Ash and Misty smiled
Ash:-Will do it very soon mom, thank you, you are very good, world best mom, thank you for understanding me.
Alyson:-thank you thank you grandmom to understanding my father thank you
Delia hug Alyson come here my sweet granddaughter
Delia hug Alyson
After some days
The discussion spread throughout Japan that Japan's top business man is marrying Miss Universe.
Ash:-hey Misty let's go to the shopping
Misty:-Yes, I like the beautiful dress very much. Let's take it. I am very much looking forward to our wedding.
Alyson:-mom dad then what should I do
Misty:-You play with your grandmom
Alyson:-that is not good.  Ever since you both met, you have forgotten me.
Ash:-It is not that we are spending a little time with each other and you are playing with your grandmother.  Grandmother also remembers you, right?
Ash went with Misty for shopping
Ash:-Oh my Miss Universe my Misty you are looking very nice all eyes will be on you

  Grandmother also remembers you, right?Alyson:-fineAsh went with Misty for shoppingAsh:-Oh my Miss Universe my Misty you are looking very nice all eyes will be on you

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Misty:-thankyou ash
After somedays wedding day coming
Misty meet dawn and may

guys, I am meeting you after 4 years after college.  It was great to meet you.
May:-Yes, we met after 4 years but there was no news from you and you did not even tell us that you have fulfilled your dream and you also have a daughter.
Dawn:-You are right but we will not blame you because you are Miss Universe and you are very courageous to raise your daughter alone.
Misty:-Yes, a lot has changed in 4 years.  You guys are also changed and so is your boyfriend.drew and kenny
May and dawn blush
Ok We get you ready.
Ash:-i waiting for misty
Father :-please call bride.
Misty came out in white wedding dress she look like a white fair
ash and misty look at each other times stops around them Ash's brown eyes and Misty's green eyes collided with each other.
Ash:-Misty, you look like a glowing nymph descended from heaven.  Perhaps there will be no one like you in this world.
Misty:-my groom you look so handsome
Father:-Bride, now stand next to the groom.
Misty:-ok father
Ash hold misty hand
father :- Ash do you take misty to be your lawfully wedded wife whether it poverty illness  pain wealth happiness .
Ash:-yes i do I promise.  Father, I will never leave Misty alone.  I will always support her in every difficult situation.

Misty:-i do too I promise.  Father, I will never leave ash alone.  I will always support her in every difficult situation.
father:-Both of you change your rings.
Ash:-I make Misty wear the ring and speak to her.  This is the new beginning of our life from here.
Misty:-I make ash wear the ring  and tell him that no matter what trouble befalls him, that trouble will have to hit me first.
father:-ash you may now kiss your bride
Ash-k...kiss mis...misty i am going to kiss you
Misty:-this is not our first kiss right .ash dont be nervous a
Ash Slowly goes near misty's lips.
and kiss her
Ash:-Thank you Misty for coming into my life and filling me with so much love I never thought I would be able to change so much.  Whatever I am today is because of you.
Alyson hug her mom and dad
Delia:-my beautiful daughter in law now I want to see both your son
Misty with blush
Misty:-ok mom
See you at next part bye bye 👋

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