why do you leave me???

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Ash:-hey serena I am going to washroom
Please Wait for me for a while, I'll be right back
Serena:-Okay till then I will spend time with Alison.
Alyson:-yeah aunty
Then Ash starts walking on his way and sees.  When Misty is talking on the phone, he holds her hand and takes her to a corner.
Misty:-What are you doing   Mr. Ketchum, your girlfriend is over there and you are holding someone else's hand.
Ash:-Leave it all behind!  Why did you leave me that day and how much did I search for you but you came here in Paris?and you came here and got married
Misty:-I don't think it's necessary to give you an explanation and it's my personal business
Ash:-yeah you are right your personal business And who am I to take explanation from you?  Because you are someone else's wife and your daughter.
Misty:-Who told you that I am married?  I have raised my daughter alone and fulfilled my dreams and I can't tell you.
Ash:-What does it mean to be raised alone?  You mean you are not married so you became a mother without marriage.  Who is this and Whose daughter is Alison that you adopted?
Misty:-No, I have not adopted her  She is my real daughter.  I have given birth to her and secondly Mr. Ash Ketchum I am very happy with my daughter and now you be happy with your girlfriend please spare us
Ash:-It was not really love, it was just a false illusion of being in love.
Misty:-First of all, you had already promised someone else and you still continued to love me.  Why can you forget that you made a promise to someone?
Ash:-Promise What promise did I make, what do you want to say?
Misty:-Didn't you promise Serena that?  When you both grow up, you both will get married and you promised me your love, so I should not call it a lie because you had promised someone else. Do you remember that night? I still remember that night, the most beautiful of my life.  But after that night, that ash got lost somewhere and it started appearing to me as someone else's, so without thinking anything, I left you and came here.
Ash:-Don't give me these round words.  Tell me straight, what do you want to say, how do you know.  I promised Serena that when we both grow up.  Means to say that you both will get married!Now I understood everything there.  Ever since Serena met you, she got excited seeing you and being your fan, she got emotional and told you everything about our life.  And I know that you trap everyone with your innocent face.

Misty:-   Meaning, you can create any story in your mind and prove me wrong.  I was wrong for you that day and I am wrong for you today too.  No problem.  I don't care what I do in your life because I am very happy with my daughter and my wife!  And whoever your girlfriend is, I don't care, tell her that after today I will not be able to meet her, she helped my daughter, thank you very much to her, but I don't want all that of mine. Do you have any problem in the life of both of you?  Both of you get married, be happy, move on, make a new beginning, that's all I want.

Ash:-Now I also want exactly the same because now I also do not want Serena to feel bad about anything you say.
Then ash misty came together
Serena:-miss kasumi Ash Where did you go, do you know Alison was telling me about you Miss Kasumi, how you raised your daughter alone and also fulfilled your dream, you are very courageous, really every girl wants to be like you.  must need courage
Misty:-It's a good thing.  Alison, come on, you go home.  I have to go out for some important work.
Alison:-No mom, I still have a lot to talk about with aunty and uncle, please just a little more time.
Misty:-I told you Alyson don't insist.  How much have I taught you to understand someone's helplessness? Why don't you understand? If you don't go with me now, i will leave you here.
Serena:-Miss Kasumi has some problem.  Have we made some mistake that makes you want to take Alison away from here?
Misty:-No, you have not made any mistake.  I have very important work.  I am getting a call from my office so I need to go.
Serena:-its alright
Alison:-No mom, I will not go now.  I will sit here with aunty please!
Misty:-Then I held her hand and pulled her with me and said, don't insist.  I don't like anyone to insist on me.alyson   I am your mom, you are not my mom, you have to accept whatever decision I take, you are still small, stay small, don't try to become big.
Alyson:-i started crying What has happened to you mom, till date you have not talked to me like you always used to talk to me lovingly.  Have I made any mistake?  Tell me mom, please don't talk to me like this. Please don't scold me mom please don't scold me
Misty hug Alyson
Misty-Forgive me baby, but you were not listening to me, so what could I have done?  You know how important mom's work is and on your request I came here with you, so please come home now, I will prepare something with my own hands and feed you today.
Alyson:-Sorry mom I promise you that I will never insist on you again.  I will always listen to you because you are very important to me.
Misty:-thats like my good daughter
They both going
Ash:-It's good that both of them are gone.  I will get a chance to spend some time with my girlfriend
Serena:-Don't say that to Miss Universe.
Ash:-For me she is my old ex
Serena:-what do you say
Ash:-I said, no matter who she is, she may be Miss Universe but she is still our old model?
Serena:-yeah you are right
See you at next part bye you guys

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