Forgive me to shout at you

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Neither has anyone been able to stop love from coming together nor will anyone be able to stop it.  Now let's see what twist will come in this story, let's start?
In 9:30 pm
Ash:-What are you doing, she hasn't called me yet, so what time is it 9:30? I thought she took me seriously but she doesn't value me at all.
Misty called ash
Misty:-I'm sorry Ash I forgot to call you Ash the thing is I won't be able to meet you today because I have a test tomorrow so I have a lot to study so can we meet again sometime
Ash:-Really Misty, a new excuse for not meeting me. You are not taking what I say serious. Am I serious? I want to tell you something.
Misty:-Mr Ketchum I think you are forgetting something that we are bound by contract together and not that you can have rights over me, you needed to know this and I told you that I have a test tomorrow and I will not be able to meet you.  I came to know about this only today, Ash, look Ash, I have to study first, you have become a successful businessman in your life, you are at the top, so let me do something, I have a dream to become something.
Ash:-Why are you talking to me angrily? I just expressed my desire to meet you. I didn't force you. You should have informed me. Thank you. And you don't need to remind me that we are under contract. I know this.  Miss Misty Water Flower, you will come to my office the day after tomorrow because we have to promote new products, okay bye.
Misty:-Look, don't be angry with me friend.
Ash cut the call
Ok hang up the call I too don't care what you think about me I thought you are a sensible person and you know that to be successful in our life we have to work hard but you are not understanding me  You only care about yourself and you are getting angry at me and saying that I am making excuses. Well I don't care, I just care about my work.
Ash:-How have I forgotten that hard work is necessary to be successful and she is working hard to be successful in her life. I should have been angry when she did not call me and tell me that she would not be able to come but she did.  I thought it was my duty to call her and I got mad and started shouting oh I am so mad, I should not have talked to her angrily, I will apologize to her tomorrow.
After night
In Misty college
Misty:-Friends, you guys would like to know how my test went. My test went very well and now I can roam anywhere comfortably. Now I don't have to worry about the test.
May:-Hey Misty, you have done wonders, I think you are going to top this test too. The test was so hard but you are saying it is easy.
Dawn:-Are you too? What are you saying? Misty is amazing, not only is she good in studies but she is also very famous on social media. She has millions of followers. I think you are a perfect girl. You will bring happiness in whoever's life.  she will come
Misty:-You guys are just saying anything
After Misty gets discharged from college
Misty see Ash waiting for her outside of the college
Ash, what are you doing here? Why are you standing outside my college? Do you know what standing here means? What kind of things will people say? Who is the top businessman waiting for here?
Ash:-What kind of things will we say, what is the meaning of it, I was waiting for you, Misty, I should have apologized to you, I should not have talked to you like this yesterday, I should have also known that you also have a career, you also have to achieve your dreams, I did it.  That's why I have brought a bouquet for you as an apology, please accept.
May:-aaw top businessman is waiting for a college girl here, how romantic is it and that too why because Misty could not come to meet him and he got a little angry with Misty but he has also brought such a beautiful bouquet for you.  I also want someone in my life who will wait for me outside the college and will bring different types of flowers for me.
Misty:-Let me tell you how it feels to be in someone's life.
May:-i am sorry Misty don't kill me
Misty:-But what happened, Mr. Ash shouted something at me and also brought bouquets. You knew that my test is important, that is why I could not come to meet you, I will not forgive you, I am angry with you and why should you not come near my college.  Had you messaged me that I am sorry Misty, I apologize to you, it was not necessary Ash.
Ash:-I have made a mistake, forgive me, I will not come after today, I will not wait for you outside the college, but please accept these flowers and come and have dinner with me in a restaurant today. If you want, I will take your friends too with me, are you Misty?  you say
May:-No, I don't, I don't have time, I have to go shopping with my mom and after that I also have to meet someone, I won't be able to walk, thank you Mr. ketchum.
Dawn:-It is a big thing for you to think like this for us, but I also have to go to meet someone, you take Misty with you, Misty will be very happy, you should forgive me sir, you are speaking so lovingly.
Misty:-Whose friend should she be, mine or theirs, but even I can't go, friend, I have to go for tuition, I told you ash.
Ash:-ok fine in sad tone
Dawn:-mr ketchum one minute you told me that the exam is over today so you are not going to go for tuition today and you would like to go anywhere frilly today, what a good offer has come in front of you that don't come and visit.
Misty:-Why did you tell him, okay, I will come with you.
Ash:-thankyou miss
Dawn :-well I am dawn hikari and she is may haruka no problem
Misty bye I will see you guys tomorrow
See you at next part bye

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