[«|| Request! ||»]

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So yea-

Just make a request- but there are rules to the one-shot.

|«|| RULES ||»|

1. This is a strictly lesbian one-shot, so if you don't like it- then go on about your day.

2. I do not do character x character, it has to have a female reader

3. I do smut in all chapters, but I swear to the gods- IF I SEE SOME GOT DAMN FOOT FETISH OR OTHER WEIRD ASS KINKS IN THE REQUEST IM NOT DOING IT! I won't even fucking tell you-

4. If I say I can't do it please know I'm not trying to be mean- I generally might not know the movie, show, or game the character comes from- I want to be able to know the character to make sure I know how they act!

5. I will ask at the end of every chapter for any request- just know if I don't do yours next that I wrote it down and will get to it- ok?

6. I'm a bit of a hardcore person so if it turns dark really quick- I'm very sorry-

7. The updates will be slow due to the fact I want the chapters to be long as hell- so please don't get mad-

8. If I say anything offensive please tell me- I don't like to be offensive to people- it's just not me- I'm also very dense so I won't realize unless someone tells me-

9. I'm stupid as hell so please explain simply what you want to happen- I don't understand big words- I'm a black person with the brain size of a pea- so PLEEEEEEEEEASE- explain in simple form.



[«|| _____________||»]


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