Better then him [Tengen's wives x reader]

601 20 4

This- is yelling

This- is flashbacks

["This"]- is sign language

'This'- is thinking

'This'- is mocking



|«||___ [Y/N]'s POV ___||»|


I sigh to myself, averting my eyes ahead of me as I walk with Tengen and his wives. I can't help but be jealous of this guy. Unlike me, ha can have every lady he ever wanted. He can be out with a woman in public as well.

As of me, I can't be with a woman in public. Women and women relationships aren't as accepted as men and men. Mostly because people, or men so to say, feel that we have no right to choose for ourselves. That women are only here to serve men. It's honestly disgusting.

I sigh as his wives continue to talk to me about other stuff. Tengen was quiet the whole time but his face was red. "Tengen, are you alright?" I asked, placing my hand on his arm.

His red face got worse as he stuttered. "Y-yea, just under the weather a bit." He sheepishly smiled. I was still skeptical but kept my mouth shut after.

We soon arrived to the estate and it was time for me to return home. I waved goodnight to them. Though they all seemed so sad that I was leaving. Oh well, it was probably something else.


|«||__ .•••. __||»|


I grab my sword from its sheath and immediately cut off the demons head. This was the 6th one tonight so far, and it's barely even 9 yet.

I yawn to myself and walk through the forest. It was a beautiful night, with a full moon and stars bright. The night was always my favorite timing.

It was when all the fun started up. Whether it be festive, sentimental, or even romantic. There was always something to do no matter what. That's why I loved it so much.

I sighed, halting when I see a ramen cart. I could go for a bowl or 6, especially after a long fight. I go up to the cart with a friendly smile and order 6 bowls.

I also tipped the vender for all their hard work. They were very thankful for all the money I gave them. Once done, I headed on out with new found fuel in my system.

I was honestly happy with how this night was going so far. Hold on-

Movement in the trees and tall grass. I'm being followed, I can sense them. Two- no three of them, and the scent of demons as well. Seems like these demons wanted to work together for a meal.

I slow down to let them catch up, making sure they didn't notice. Which they mostly likely don't. I slow to a stop and pretend that I'm listening out for something. As soon as they attacked, I dodged. I smirk and look to my opponent but my sword nearly drops from my hand.

Suma.. s-she was a demon.. what happened? She was just human when I saw her earlier. This can't be...

I look at the other two demons and end up having to swallow back my vomit and tears. Makio and Hina..

"W-what the hell.." I whimpered, backing away slowly. They only smirked, following my every move. "P-please.. I don't want to hurt you three.." I said, barely above a whisper. I hadn't even noticed the tears slipping down my face.

The three of them were about to pounce until a sword clashed in their way. I look to see a very battered Tengen, standing in the way of his wives. His arms had multiple claw marks and bites. There was even a chunk of flesh missing from his forearm. He was as well missing an eye, which he used his headband to cover.

"[Y/N] you need to go. They are only after you.." he told me, the look in his eye giving me no time to fight back. I look at the three women I thought of as friends before running. Tengen can hopefully fend them off, but he looked so horrible.

I ran and ran, faster than I had ever run in my entire life. It made me want to vomit. Once again, I couldn't protect the people who I was supposed to protect. It brought back memories of my 7 little siblings.

Having to kill my little siblings when they all turned into demons. I couldn't hold it any longer. I slumped on a tree and puked into the bushes nearby. My throat burned from all the noodles I just threw back up.

My head was spinning but I had to keep running. I drink water from a lake before running again. It seems I now have a reason more then ever to help Tanjiro now. I was already helping but, I need to work double time.

I just needed more time...



|«||__ To Be Continued __||»|


Hey guys! Hope this was to your liking!

Stay bright and shining my Fireworks and Firecrackers! See you later for now my sweets!

Again, I've decided there will be two updates every month. So hopefully you'll be ok with this. Since not a lot of people read the idea book, I usually pick things that have 3 or more votes on them.

They have to be from different people though. Sorry, and again I hope you all liked this chapter

Also, you may ask for a part two if you'd like!

Word count - 911

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