Lara Croft x willing Female reader

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This- is yelling

This- is flashbacks

["This"]- is sign language

'This'- is thinking

'This'- is mocking

Just a little something to keep up with for the rest of the book!

So once again- 2,000 words or more because I refuse to let my readers down! I want this book to make it to 300 chapters long! So keep those request coming!

Smut is in each and every one of the chapters so if you want specific kinks like bondage and such please explain for me please?

I'm quite literally a dumb fuck, who can't be trusted around sharp objects.




|«||___ Lara's POV ___||»|


I was on one of my many adventures scowering the land. And I had to say about this one. It was perfectly. Exquisitely. Amazingly. Happily. Stupidly...


Ever since I came here just two days ago nothing has happened. I heard this town was a ghost town. And let me tell ya- it is. I mean seriously these people are soooo..


When I got here no one would speak to me. I even tried to go to the brothel to get some hot chicks laid. All they did was moan and even that was quiet! This place was just.. not it.

At the moment I was walking through this sad sack of a village. The sun was setting behind a hill. The birds softly chirping just a bit. The grass and flowers dancing away as if it were a ball.

That was until something caught my ear. I didn't know the owner of this angelic voice but I was about to find out.

I quickly climbed onto the roof of a nearby building and started to look around. As I did I followed the sound of that voice. It was almost as if it were calling out to me.

'This world had always been bland in my perspective. The colors were all black and white. No one would stick out unless it was in a bad way like a criminal.' I thought to myself.

I then stopped once I found the source of the singing. And damn was I glad that I had found who it was. Awooooooooga!

Her body sat up against a tree as she softly hummed while petting a dog. The dog quite large, almost as big as she.

'The girl had pretty jeweled [E/C] eyes. Her [H/L] [H/C] flowing in the wind. Her lips so inviting and plump. Not to mention that body of hers.~' I thought smirking before it softens to a smile.

'But I wanna get to know her. To know how she feels. To know if she really is the one. If so then I can take her on adventures with me! Even adopt some kids and have our own little gang!' I smiled. I started getting really excited at the thought.

I slowly get off the roof and onto the ground. She hears my footsteps as I approach her and looks up at me. Her face held slight worry for some reason.

"I-I'm so sorry for bothering you with my humming! Please don't tell my parents!" She worriedly said. I was slightly taken a back by the fact anyone could be mad. How could no one love a voice so sweet?

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