Our abandoned kitten [Female Lords x Neko Reader]

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This- is yelling

This- is flashbacks

["This"]- is sign language

'This'- is thinking

'This'- is mocking



|«||___ [Y/N]'s POV ___||»|


It was a cold night as always, ever since 'they' arrived. The wind howled and beat against the stone or thin metal walls of buildings. Although it wasn't the only thing that howled and beat against things, only it did that at all hours.

Those 'things' attack us almost every night. And me, having no home... I had to improvise to keep myself safe. It's especially hard when your a Neko like myself.

Others don't take to kindly to neko's like me. They say that we're monsters and we're just as bad as 'them'. No one has ever cared for me except one old lady.

Her name was 'Grandma Olité' as I called her. She was the nicest woman I know. She took everyone in, including me. Some would call her a witch sometimes, whenever they saw me with her.

It got to the point where I had to sneak to her, otherwise her life could be in danger. I wish I could do something about this but, it's impossible. If I were to intervene, they'd kill not only her but me as well.

I sighed as I walked to her house under the cover of the fog and the night. It was rather calm, despite having to hide every few minutes when hearing a noise.

I finally made it to her house after 15 minutes of walking. Just in time as well. The bell rang out like death, just as she locked the door behind me.

She hurried me into her cellar with some of the villages homeless children. She followed suit, once she made sure there were blankets for us and all the lights were off.

We waited as we heard the screams of terror pass by the old house. Those beast were dragging others to their death. The sound making the children press more into me and Grandma Olité.

Until suddenly there was an eerie silence that hung over us like the bells of death. The silence was so still, an untrained hunter could shoot a bullseye.

Then the roof caved in and everything went.. dark..


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