Inoske's little sister [Nezuko x Demon Reader]

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This- is yelling

This- is flashbacks

["This"]- is sign language

'This'- is thinking

'This'- is mocking



|«||___ [Y/N]'s POV ___||»|


It was another meeting but big brother was making a commotion again- he kept going on and on about how he'll make the demons suffer, minus me and Nezuko.

I sighed as I shook my head. Sometimes he was embarrassing to have as an older brother. But that doesn't mean I love him any less.

Soon after the meeting was over, he and Tanjiro left me and Nezuko in a room. I slowly climbed out of my box and crawled to a table with food on it.

Unlike Nezuko, I have to eat an entire table full of human food. I can also speak without a muzzle. Though recently, after fighting at the sword smith village, she hasn't had her muzzle.

Though I just chucked it off as she broke it again. That girl has got some powerful jaws. But anyway-

I started to eat, not paying attention to Nezuko or anything for that matter. The food was so yummy! I love food!

Just at that moment I felt arms around my waist and breast against my back. I slowly look at Nezuko, who was in her full demon form. 'That's strange, she usually doesn't go in that form unless fighting' I thought.

She nuzzled me and tried speaking to me. As she did I stopped eating and put all my attention on her. "L-lo-lov..y-y-you." She stuttered out.

I giggled and hugged her, she was just so adorable. "Love you to Nezuko!" I said. Although she seemed a bit upset before, she hugged me back with a smile.


|«||___  Nezuko's POV ___||»|


Ugggggh. Damn that stupid muzzle, it kept me from speaking to damn long and now it's my stupid stuttering! If it wasn't for the fact I haven't talked in so long, I would finally have her love!

Whenever we're alone in this room I try to talk but I didn't want to feel stupid in front of her. She was perfect.

She never needed sleep so, she was ready to fight at any time and place. But she occasionally took naps. She could walk in the sun thanks to me secretly giving her some of my blood.

Her body is like that of a goddess. Her movement is graceful even when sleeping. She is perfect physically and mentally.

She always worried for others. She protects children and women from the demons when we are fighting. And her singing is what's so magical...

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